Saturday, July 8, 2023

All in a Day's Work

A notice in the The Brooklyn Daily Eagle for November 26, 1892.

Transcribed it reads:

THE CELEBRATED WRITER, CHARLES T Russell, author of “Millennial Dawn,” will preach in Room 24, Cooper Union, N.Y., Sunday, November 27, at 10:30 A. M. Subject “In Our Days.” Seats free. All invited. He will also preach at 3 P. M. at Hardman Hall, New York, corner Fifth av and Nineteenth st., on “The Restitution of All Things,” and at 7:30 P. M. at same place, on “The Millennium and Its Day of Preparation.” Seats free.

All in a day’s work - three public lectures on three subjects.

Twenty years later CTR would be suing the Eagle over the miracle wheat cartoon, but now they were happy to take advertising for his work.

1 comment:

B. W. Schulz said...

Room 24 in the Cooper Union was a large meeting room frequently used by Age-to-Come speakers. Storrs and Barbour lectured there, as did others whose names you may recognize from "Nelson Barbour, the Millennium's Forgotten Prophet" and "Separate Identity vol. 1." These believers held weekly meetings there and in other venues. Occasionally Room 20 was in use at the same time by people with similar but somewhat conflicting beliefs. If you're interested, most of the meetings were advertised in the New York Times 'want ad' pages which can be found online.

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