Thursday, July 20, 2023

On Ebay

 Can you add details to this card's history?


jerome said...

It is from a Sister Stone to a Sister Ecklund and mentions a Sister Swanson. None of these names are in the Chicago Temple brochure from 1914. The card comes from the Masonic Temple. Those who left fellowship with the Watch Tower Society met at the Masonic Temple, 910-912 La Salle, Chicago, between c. 1933/1934 until 1969 (36 years) so it could well date from this time and therefore not be an "official" Watch Tower postcard.

Raymond S. said...

I think the fact it says "Bible Students Book Store" on it shows it is not an official Watchtower approved item. But some do collect other "Bible Student" related items as such
Ray. S.

jerome said...

I really should have spotted Bible Students Bookstore. That was run by Dr Leslie Jones, who did the original convention reports, but ultimately left association with the IBSA.

Chris G. said...

The “Bible Student Bookstore” style stamp is also located in the publishers page and spine of the beautifully produced “The Laodicean Messenger, his life works and character” book from 1923. Produced by LW Jones it was rejected for sale by the Watchtower leadership at the time. Interestingly it can be found in some residence libraries at watchtower Farm and presumably others, where I personally saw it on the shelf c. 2008.

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