Wednesday, January 7, 2009

More Mysteries

"Brothers Leigh, Demming and van Hook" are mentioned together as working in Ohio and N. Kentucky. Van Hook is also associated with J. P. Martin, a clergyman from New Lebanon, Ohio.

I need first names and details. Anyone?

This is proving really difficult, and identifying these individuals is very important to our research.

We also need a death date for Sister Erlenmyer. We have her alive in 1900 and still active in the work, partnered with a sister Leonora Thompson, a West Virginia native. Leonora was 29 in 1900.


Anonymous said...

The only detal I can find are VanHook's initials
In the June, 1894 Watchtower appears this letter:
DEAR BRO.RUSSELL:--I am glad, so glad,
that your character has been vindicated. To
say that I have been anxious would be putting
it very mildly; and now I hope we will have
sunshine for a while. I could not more than
half work for the last two weeks.
Yours in the harvest and in Christ,
M. C. VanHook.
Ton, Holland

Anonymous said...

June 1894 Watchtower has:
DEAR BRO.RUSSELL:--I am glad, so glad,
that your character has been vindicated. To
say that I have been anxious would be putting
it very mildly; and now I hope we will have
sunshine for a while. I could not more than
half work for the last two weeks.
Yours in the harvest and in Christ,
M. C. VanHook.

Anonymous said...

Hello again.
In the June, 1889 is this letter:

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I am just writing to encourage
you by telling you how we are getting on. The other two are
going to make their final deliveries Friday and Saturday and
then leave for some northern town. I do not make mine till the
20th and 21st.
I am slowly but surely improving. At first I could not sell more
than sixteen, but now get up to nineteen and twenty-one, and I
can assure you no one is more pleased than I. I have not been
getting over the ground as fast as the others and have hardly
averaged as many as Bro. W., but I am very thorough and sell
more in a given space. I shall perhaps work south from here.
Last Monday I delivered a lot of books, about 88, and as I was
passing along one of the streets this evening, a lady who was
sitting at the window reading her DAWN saw me. I saw her face
light up, and she rose, and I waited till she came out. She invited
me in and I had a two-hours talk with her and her estimable
husband. Like all the earnest ones she was so delighted with the
truth, she wanted every one to have it, and had talked to her
neighbors so that two more wanted it. A few grains of wheat like
this pays for all we have done here. By God's favor I want to
spend the balance of my time ministering to the saints.
There is also a gentleman here who has withdrawn from the
sects after reading the TOWER for some time, though all his
family are opposed to him and ashamed of him.
I think my experience would help any of the colporteurs who
need a word of encouragement. I don't think any one would have
more to overcome from within than I. I am Yours in Christian
Reprints 2142 show this letter:

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--It has been a long
time since I wrote to you, tho I have often thought
of doing so. I was indeed pleased to learn of the opportune
and powerful support received by the Society,
and that it will be well spent is a foregone conclusion
with me. In the TOWER you strike the keynote; you
are building on the Rock, "and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it." How easy and natural for our
poor race to err now! Thank God, most of them know
not what they do! In Feb. 15 issue you make so clear
the flood that is sweeping away what little faith nominal
Christians have. It illustrates, "Take away from
him that hath not, and give to him that hath;" or, as
expressed in Luke 8:18, margin, "even that he thinketh
that he hath."
I want to call your attention to the last chapter of Micah,
and invite your criticism on my applications.
[We think the suggestions are good.--EDITOR.]
Verse 1 seems to apply to the true Church; vs. 3 is a
picture of the present unbearable corruption in governments
and the operation of trusts; vs. 4 refers to the
nominal church; verses 5 and 6 are addressed to the
"little flock," as in Luke 21:16; vs. 7 is uttered by
them, as is vs. 8. And here is where it seems to me a
partial darkness and confusion comes over them, so that
she that is the enemy could bring a reproach. I would
also like you to notice vs. 15--the going out of Egypt
as a type of entering the Millennium.
Your brother in the faith, E. C. LEIGH.

The Febr 1, 1898 WT gives this letter:
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I have been reading
the 4th volume and find the array of evidence simply
overwhelming. How any can shut their eyes to the
impending convulsion is more than I can see. God
bless your and the Church's work in sealing the foreheads!
The holding back of the four winds is as much
of a standing miracle as the standing walls of water
on either side as the Israelites passed through the
Red Sea.
Of course, you, too, have your discouragements
and trials, but bear up, brother. My kindest thoughts
and regards to you and the Church in Allegheny.
Yours in Him, E. C. LEIGH.

Ton, Holland

B. W. Schulz said...

I'm not certain this is the same Leigh because of the location. The brother leigh of earlier times was in Ohio and Indiana and Eastern Pennyslvania.

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