Saturday, January 3, 2009


A "brother Boyer" is mentioned in Zion's Watch Tower. In 1882 he was in Pittsburgh. He was a former temerance worker. Anyone know his first name?

A "brother Leigh" is mentioned in 1882. We need a first name. He visited Russell in Pittsburgh that year. With a "brother Spears" he organized a preaching tour by boat down the Ohio River. I need first names.

A sister Erlanmyer is first mentioned in 1882. She was from New York. I need a full name.

Help if you can.


Anonymous said...

Sister Erlenmyer appears often in the towers.
See her letter in W 1894, page 202 to learn her first name was Amelia.
congratulate you that you have been able so
nobly to refute the slander of your enemies.
I have just finished reading A Conspiracy Exposed.
Surely, the Christ-like spirit manifested
through it all, if nothing else, will convince
those of the truth whose hearts are right in the
sight of God.
For others' sake I am glad every question is
cleared up; but for my own part, it needed no
explanation; for after receiving those horrid
letters, I took the whole matter to the Lord in
prayer and I was convinced they were of Satan.
Brother and Sister Bourquin's letter to Mr.
Zech expresses my sentiments.
To me this has been the hardest trial since
I came into the truth; for I was acquainted
with the four and loved and esteemed them
highly; but I feel I can do so no longer; nor
can I recognize them as brethren in Christ
until they do show his spirit. But I trust this
trial will bring me only closer to the Master,
and make me stronger and better fitted for his
use. Hoping and praying the same for you
and Sister Russell and all the household of faith,
I remain, Yours in Christ and his service,
Amelia Erlenmyer.

She helped the Woodworths to find the truth (W1895, page 148)
This appears to be the last time she is mentioned in the reprints.
Ton, Holland

B. W. Schulz said...

Amelia Erlenmyer was born in Germany in February 1852. She never married, but devoted her life to the ministry. Her death date is uncertain, but she was still alive in 1900, a resident of Harissburgh, PA. She boarded with the Anna Mackey, and elderly widow.

The 1900 census shows her to be "a colporteur tract", Her partner in the ministry at that time as Lenora Thompson, a single sister born in February 1871. I know nothing of sister Thompson. Earlier, she worked with a sister Clark, also not identified.

Anonymous said...

And talking about "Conspiracy Exposed", are any of the opposers' letters or booklet available, or were they lost?

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