Sunday, May 13, 2012

We need to see these ....

J. A. Maynard: Russellism, 1928.

Carlyle Boynton Haynes: Russellism: Or the Coming of a False Christ. No date.

Joseph Kyle: Russellism: A Review of the Teachings of the Watch Tower and Bible Society, no date.

Alva J. McClain: Russellism: Its Claims, Methods and Doctrines, 1931.

Karl Linsenmann: Russellism, no date

William James Dawson: Russellism, no date

Amzi C. Dixon: "Russellism" under the searchlight: the red flag of warning with reference to the movment known as "Russellism" or "Millennial Dawn", 1914.

Joseph Stump: Russellism; a Counterfeit Christianity, 1923.

L. C. H. Hopkins: The IBSA of Russellism, 1922.

Thomas Williams: Russellism Refuted, 1905.

Percy George Cross: Russellism, a Caricature of Christianity, 1913.

George Candee: Bible and Reason Versus Russellism, 1912.

Merwin Stone: Russellism, Or, The Church of St. Bunco, 1915.

George W. Sandt: Another Pious Fraud, Or, The Story of Russellism, 1914.

William Hamilton Nelson: Is Jesus Coming Soon? A Bible Study of Adventism, Russellism, Etc. 1918.

Gover Cleveland Loud: Evangelized America, 1928. pages 294-296 only.

Daniel Webster Key: What is Russellism, no date.

J. G. Tasker: Dr. Loofs on Russellism, Expository Times, January-March 1922.

F. Mellows: Russellism: The Latest Blaspheme, no date, published in the UK.

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