Monday, May 14, 2012

Wish List Continued

Our Wish List

There are several major items that we would like to see. They’re all expensive or involve travel we can’t afford.

1. We would like the Storrs archive at the NY Public Library microfilmed. That’s about 300 dollars. We don’t have that money. We’re not certain what is in the archive. Someone visiting NY City could make copies fairly cheaply.

2. Also in NY City at Columbia University is a run of Our Rest magazine. They also have some really important tracts. This requires a personal visit, and you can’t just walk in the door. Anyone in the New York City area or who will visit there who wants to help should email me.

3. We have located in the Washington D. C. area a run of A. D. Jones’ magazine. We do not know if it is helpful or not. Microfilm costs approach 370 dollars. Ideally someone in the D. C. area could view these and copy out the more helpful items. Again, email me if you plan on being in D. C. or live in that area.

4. At the Library of Congress is an archive of early Liberian missionary papers. Some of these relate to the Rev. Seton who wrote to Russell in the 1880s. There are more letters in an archive in Texas. We do not know the worth of these items.

5. There is a large archive of letters and documents in Washington D. C. relating to the arrest and prosecution of Rutherford and others in1918.

6. At the NY Public Library is a political booklet by A. D. Jones. We would like a really good duplication, especially if his photo is attached.

Most of the polemical material listed in the previous post is available through interlibrary loan. We simply cannot afford the fees at this time. If you have any of these or are curious enough to send for photocopies, please share with us.

Also on our wish list are any letters by early Bible Students no matter how irrelevant they may otherwise seem. We’ve made all sorts of connections off what seem to be very slight clues.

Looking way ahead to other things, we would like Watchtower Society letters from the 1940s. We also would like personal letters written by Witnesses during that time.

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