Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Thomas Newton's Dissertations, an important book as far as Russellite background is concerned is on ebay for a very reasonable price. I own this, or I'd be trying to squeeze out money to buy it. One of our readers may be interested.

[Download link to digital copy: -- Bruce]

One of William Whiston's books is also on ebay. These are always expensive. You'll have to search for it. But it is seven hundred dollars ...

We will need solid research on Russell's view of paradise earth. This is not an immediate need but something we will use [assuming our outline remains mostly as it is] in volume 3 of Separate Identity. If you want to pursue this, present it to me as quotations from Russell with Watch Tower issue date and page, or title and page if from a booklet or book. Some of this material is in his newspaper sermons. If you have access and find material there, note it by newspaper name and date of publication. Advanced thanks to anyone who wants to take this on.

We still need to see the 1887 publication Hints to Millennial Dawn Canvassers. We have queried some of those with more advanced collections with no result. One person said it was a four page folder, but he did not have a copy. We do not know if that's correct. A request to the Watchtower Society has gone unanswered. If you have it, please send me a scan. If you've forgotten the contact email is rmdevienne [at]

We need scans or originals of some periodicals. These are The Millenarian, The Spirit of the Word, The Last Trump, Zion's Day Star - later re-titled simply as Day Star. The likelihood of any of our blog readers having these is small. But since I do not know what is out there, I'm asking anyway.

We also need the personal letters of adherents written any time before 1950, no matter how irrelevant they may seem. This request includes postcards. We have a few, and sometimes a brief not adds to our understanding.  

A chapter that bounces between volume 2 and 3, but will probably be in volume 3 address Russellite views of contemporary events. This is partially written but not nearly complete because our focus is on two other, more important chapters. If you want to do the research, connect Russell's statements to contemporary events in the period up to 1912. Again, present this to us with minimal comment as quotations from his books or The Watch Tower. Relevant comments from later publications are usable too.


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