Thursday, January 10, 2019

Up-date from a Mush-Brained Woman

This is an update of sorts, though I’m not certain it makes any sense. I had a very bad night with no sleep. Even my strongest medicine – a liquid and a pill in combination that I’m only allowed because of my diagnosis – didn’t work. So I’m mush-brained. Enough of that. Here’s what’s happening:

In the rough draft of my introductory essay for volume 2 of Separate Identity I said the Watchtower has ignored our last two letters, both now months old. B is a very patient man, sensible, but he can be blunt sometimes. So recently he emailed someone at Wallkill, saying [in essence]: “Hey! I wrote you some letters which you have ignored. Why have you ignored my letters?” A prompt reply was: “Well, I haven’t seen them. I’ll pass this up the line.” [All of this is my summary and not an actual quotation from the emails.] Up the line person writes back next day: “Please resend; they didn’t make it to the proper department and we do not know where they are.” B, I’m certain, muttered under his breath: “I thought so.” B attached said letters save one which he lost in a computer crash to email and returned it, summarizing the lost letter. So today ... Said up-the-line person writes: “We located your letters and the enclosures, and will present them to our ‘supervisory committee.’” In other words, our request is going up the line to a governing body committee. This is nice. No matter the answer, I’ll change my essay to reflect this.

As a further note, while we know they have two of the documents we requested it is unlikely that they have two others, but we asked anyway because you never know ...

In the mean time, one of my doctors says if the debilitating pain continues she wants to put me back in the hospital for a while. I’m considering it, though I seriously hate hospitals. I hope you are all well and blessed.


jerome said...

I am very pleased to hear that Bruce has had a preliminary response. I hope you get a good result from this.

roberto said...

The most important things, at least for me, is that you stay well, and your meds work. For the rest I am pleased for the answer to Bruce.
Bye dear Rachael

Unknown said...

You are not short on tenacity so I feel sure you will obtain some results. Meanwhile I hope you can get some relief from your ailment.
Kind regards
Eoin Joyce

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