Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bible Students on the Mount of Olives

In response to the previous post, here are the two photographs of the Bible Students on the Mount of Olives, taken in 1910.

The first comes from the September 1,1910 Watch Tower.

The second is a photograph which was reproduced in the 1910 convention report, facing page 45. There are several slight differences, the most obvious one being the missing hat in the back row.

The names of the party were given in the article in the convention report. Here are the opening two paragraphs.

Most of these are not well-known so difficult to identify. Obviously there's C T Russell with J F Rutherford in front of him. Just behind Rutherford is Andrew Pierson. The only child in the group is "Brother and Sister Ward and son" and one assumes that is Sister Ward next to the boy. Mary Rutherford is not in the group because she had left the party when they reached Paris.

One famous face that seems to be missing is Dr Leslie Jones, who produced the convention reports. Perhaps he took the photographs?

(With grateful thanks to Brian K who pointed me in the right direction for all the above information)

1 comment:

latecomer said...

Wonderful details! Thanks so much for posting the photos and explanation.

Andrew Martin

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