Tuesday, September 17, 2019

More on the photo ... from Bernhard

For a more up-to-date captioned photograph see more recent post on February 10, 2020

You may need to click the image to see it entire.


jerome said...

Very grateful thanks to Bernhard for the nice clear print of the photograph with all the extra detail.

ZionsHerald said...

Could the brother with the question mark at the far right be Erich Frost (if one of the women there is Sr. Frost)?


jerome said...

Erich Frost (the musician) was baptised in 1923, after his mother became a Bible Student in 1919 in Germany. (See life story in 1961 Watchtower magazine). So this picture is too early for it to be him. It would have been nice if it was. His work with the Photodrama was with later showings in Germany in the 1920s.

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