Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Seeking Understanding

Students of the Bible have poured their lives and thoughts into understanding the Bible's prophetic message for centuries.


latecomer said...

Here's a rough tentative translation:

The Prophet Daniel and the Revelation of John

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God /
He who sits on the highest throne /
Give us your peace / Receive yours /
Receive your word and pure preaching /
A blessed end give faithful God /
Lord Christ help us in all distress.

Andrew Martin

hgp said...

"erhalten" means "preserve" rather than "receive" in this context, and here it is combined with "rein" into "rein erhalten" = "preserve in a pure state" so line 4 should read:

Preserve as pure your word and preaching

Bruno said...

Likewise in line 3.
I would assume that "Erhalte die dein" is somewhat abbreviated for "Erhalte die Deinen".

So that line would mean
"Preserve [=protect] those who belong to you."
"Preserve your [people]."

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