Monday, October 23, 2023

Way past the era we consider here, but interesting

 Neutrality as published by Watchtower London. 

It's on ebay, and I'd love to have it but can't afford it. Enjoy the photos.


siveld said...

I have searched for this title on ebay but cannot find it. Any hints, please?

B. W. Schulz said...

If you cannot find it, it has probably been sold.

B. W. Schulz said...

I checked. It is still active. This is the auction title: "Neutrality Booklet. 1939 London. Watchtower. Jehovahs Witnesses"

jerome said...

The formatting of the UK version of this booklet is a little different to usual. However, if the interest is not the artefact but the material, it is just a straightforward reprint of the article in the November 1, 1939, Watchtower magazine.

siveld said...

Thanks for the helpful information! Strangely I did not find it searching for Neutrality, but using the title given here it was found. The seller has a few other expensive JW items as well.
As Jerome said, there is not much point buying it if the information is available from another source.

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