Monday, October 16, 2023



I notice the price has been lowered on this.


Raymond S. said...

Many thanks for this notification Bruce. This book had slipped my mind but now I have ordered it.
Regards Raymond S.

JB said...

What's the point of such links if you can't copy them?

B. W. Schulz said...


Certainly you're capable of typing in the bloomsbury site and using search?

Out bound links are disabled for security reasons and will remain that way. If you do not like my posts, simply do not visit the blog.

siveld said...

I already have his book Continuity And Change. Is there enough different information in A New Introduction to warrant purchasing it also? Thanks for any help. David.

B. W. Schulz said...

slveld, find it on Amazon and read the few pages found in the 'inside the book' section. The books overlap some but cover different ground. This book is meant as a basic introduction for sociologists, historians and interested public. For a book like this, it is remarkably error free. I can think of only one noticeable mistake concerning blood policy. Continuity and change had too many simple errors for my taste.

For this book George consulted a group he considered expert. These included writers both inside and outside the Witnesses. I note that "apostates" wanted an expose. It's not at all that. For clarity, I was one of those who reviewed his work chapter by chapter.

siveld said...

Thank you for that detailed response. I will look further into it. David.

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