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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Appointed Times of the Nations [Gentile Times]

 This, with an American publication from the same year, is the earliest mention of 2520 years as the length of the Gentile Times. This 1798 booklet is in the British Museum collection.


jerome said...

Is there any source for getting a scan? What year starts the 2520 years in this publication? Do we know?

Stéphane said...

I just found one scan in pdf format on the site of (I still have to read it…) :
Hoping to have been of service.
Sending you my friendly messages.

jerome said...

From page 5 of the pamphlet:
“The seven times that were to pass over Nebuchadnezzer, I take to be prophetic, and consequently intend 2520 years.”
The writer then lists several other numbered time periods from scripture and has them all ending in 1890. At the time of writing that was nearly one hundred years into the future.