Methodist Reformer
Fayetteville, Onondaga Co., New York, Thursday, Feb. 10, 1842 – No.21.
For the Methodist
Albany, Feb. 1, 1842
Dear Brother Bailey:
- If the number of a man’s opponent prove he has the wrong side of the
question, I shall be convicted, of course, as there are now ‘three upon one’, viz. Bro. Scott,
Plumb, and yourself.
should, perhaps, be ungenerous to say any thing upon Br. Scott’s communication,
as he has told us he ‘shall not, probably, reply to any remarks that may be
offered upon’ his ‘article,’ I will therefore make a few observations on your
reply to my letter in the same paper.
of the ‘Reformed Methodists’ refusing to ‘submit to that wicked usurpation of
the saints, Methodist Episcopacy,’
you say, ‘If our fathers had taken counsel of Br. Storr’s theory of Christian Union, (not of his practice in Methodist matters,) they would have remained in the Old
Church unto this day.’
am really sorry, brother, to find I am so unintelligible in many remarks. I
certainly have not intended to say anything from which such an inference could
be drawn. Was it not the fact, that
that ‘wicked usurpation – Methodist Episcopacy’
was embodied in a Discipline of Human Invention, and enforced by human
agency, disregarding the Bible, that
caused your ‘fathers’ to leave the
‘Old Church?’ So it appears to me. But if you and I have a right to form creeds, and rules of Church
Government, and make conformity to
them a test, then the ‘Old Church’ has the same right, and we have no more
right to call their arrangements a wicked
usurpation, than they have to call ours so. The truth is, I believe all arrangements of human
invention, as a test of
fellowship or membership among the children of God, are a ‘wicked usurpation,’
and therefore your ‘fathers’ were bound to come out of the ‘Old Church,’ and
this is the reason why I can ‘not conform
to the views and practices of the majority of the Christians in Albany;’ – they
insist upon my subscribing to human creeds, and make that a test, without which they will allow me
to walk with them. Let them answer for their own sin. I am willing to walk with them, but they will not let me; and why? because they require me to do that
which I Believe would be a sin.
think, brother, you do not
‘understand’ me, if you think I ‘hold that no possible circumstances can
justify real Christians from separating’ from professed Christians, so far from
it, I think they ought always to separate from those assemblies that make man-made creeds and disciplines, a test of brotherhood, or that allow practices condemned by the Bible; but when separated, you may
‘understand’ me to say, they have no right, themselves, to set up a human test:
let them take the Bible, as it is, and
make that alone the standard of
appeal: then let them walk together in
love, ‘forbearing one another, forgiving one another,’ &c.
say, you ‘grant a church have no right to adopt unscriptural plans’ – ‘but,’ you ask, ‘who shall determine what the
scriptural plan is?’ I would ask, in my turn, is the Bible so indefinite as to make such confusion and ‘anarchy’ as you suppose would be the result, if every man was left
to interpret for himself? Is it so dark
and uncertain that our Saviour’s
prayer can never be answered, that his disciples should should all ‘be one even
as we are one?’ Does not the insinuation, that if we were all to live in
the same church, and have the Bible for our Creed and Discipline, we should
have ‘organized division, and unionized disunion,’ represent the
Saviour as making a prayer that he knew could not be answered? And does it not
give infidelity cause to triumph and say, your Revelation is useless; for, you Christians cannot agree among
yourselves enough, as to its meaning, to live together in the same church?
there are no difficulties in the way, in taking the Bible alone, I never
pretended; but, I do say, there are no more, not as many, as when men undertake
to make human creeds and man-made disciplines their rule. In looking over the
history of the M. E. Church, for years past, can you doubt this statement? Do
you believe, if they had had nothing but the Bible, they would have had more disunion? What discord and strife about
even the meaning of their man-made
rules, and their application.
Br. Scott will not think me unkind in taking a “bird’s eye view” of ‘remarks’
he will ‘not, probably, reply to,’ I will just notice what I suppose is the
strongest point in his article. He pleads for man-made creeds to keep
out of his church such as would not be ‘likely
to agree on what the Bible teaches.’ He then says, ‘A man might present
himself, to join the church, who denies the doctrine of native depravity, the
divinity and atonement of Christ, together with all future punishment. He may
promise to take the Bible for the rule of his faith and practice. How can I reject him on Br. Storrs’ ground? Will
he say, that he would not receive him unless he had evidence that Christ had
received him? I ask him, then, if it would not be possible for him and his
church,’ [I have no church,] ‘to have an evidence that Christ had received him
when He had not? Surely they will not profess infallibility. The man may live
decently, and we have no right to judge his heart.’
have little fear that a person, holding the sentiments Br. Scott speak of, will
ever offer himself to a church that is spiritual. If he should, however, Br.
Scott would find him out by his ‘yes’
or ‘no’ to a human creed; and the
poorest hypocrite could say ‘yes’ to
that. I would look for the Spirit and mind of Christ. I might
be deceived, and so were the
Apostles, sometimes, for a while; see the case of Simon the sorcerer, Ananias
and Sapphira, &c. But, says Br. Scott, ‘He may promise to take the Bible
for the rule of his faith and practice.’ Then, try him, brother, and see if he can walk by that rule; and you say, yourself, ‘We have no right to judge his
heart.’ If he can walk by the Bible, and you ‘have no right to judge his
heart,’ what right have you to sit in
judgement on him, to keep him from the ordinances of the Church of God? – to
his own master he standeth or falleth.
creed-making churches, how many men are received because they are orthodox, though they never give living
evidence that they are striving ‘to
walk even’ as Christ ‘walked.’ But they retain their standing in the church so
long as they openly assent to the
creed, though, perhaps, in their hearts, if they do not deny all the points Br. Scott has named, they
may strongly think, secretly, of
course, that all men will be finally restored
from ‘future punishments,’ or some
other equally false and dangerous error,
but are not likely to be reclaimed from it, because, their standing in the
church depends upon the darkness they can throw around them on the subject. Let
them know that their tempers and lives are the fruit by which we are to determine their real characters, and I fancy we should have fewer impositions upon the church than we now
have; because, it is easier for men to profess
faith, than it is to govern their
tempers and regulate their lives, or
live holy.
Br. Bailey, hitherto you and I met, on the subject of human creeds, rather in skirmishes, I propose, if it please you,
to commence a regular battle against
them, in my next communication.
I shall attempt to make it appear –
That, Humans Creeds lack Authority in their Origin.
That, they are calculated
to deceive and bewilder.
That, their requirements are unreasonable.
IV. That, they rend the true Church,
and enslave the free-born children of God.
That, they beget hatred instead of love, even among those who were friends
before they professed religion.
VI. That, they prevent the spread of the Gospel – rob God and his poor.
hope, on all these points, to state what I conceive is truth, in love.
Yours, as ever,
the bonds of the Gospel.