night out at the cinema is still considered a treat today, but in 1915, when film making was
in its infancy it would be the highlight of
everyone's week - if you could afford it! This particular evening, as
the audience began to settle in their seats there was an air of expectation.
For the past week there had been an advertising campaign with posters, leaflets
and a promotion in the Dispatch for what
they were about to see.
As the lights began to
dim and a hush descended on all those seated, the unmistakable sound of the projector beginning to turn and a flickering picture appeared on the
screen: a white-haired man in a frock coat appears, and, without a note in
hand, he begins to speak; there were no auto
cues back then. This is no ordinary
silent movie. It is something
special, both technically and in the
message it conveys. Who is this man? He is Charles Taze Russell. What is
the production? It is the Photo-Drama of
audience did not know it but history was in the making and
they were about to witness it! Everyone was used to watching silent films at
the local picture houses, such as the “Scala” picture house on Annesley Road or
the ”Empire” on Vine Terrace. And, no doubt,
were not surprised to see a sign asking
Ladies to remove their hats so as not to block the view of others!
So what made the Photo-Drama of Creation a special and historic presentation?
Pictorial slides and motion pictures were synchronized with phonograph records
of talks and music. There had been various experiments
with colour and sound movies, but years would pass before they would be
commercially successful. Not until 1922 did an all-colour, feature-length
motion picture make an appearance. And film
audiences in general had to wait until 1927 to hear both dialogue and
music combined in the commercial movie, yet the Photo-Drama of Creation was not
without the colour, the spoken word and the
music. It was years ahead of its time, and millions saw it free of
immense amount of work and effort had gone into its production. Over 2 miles of film was used. Choice musical recordings as well
as 96 phonograph-record talks were prepared for the Photo-Drama. Stereopticon slides were made of fine art pictures illustrating
world history. It was also necessary to
make hundreds of new paintings and sketches. Some of the colour slides and
films were painstakingly hand painted. And this was done repeatedly, for
before the age of quick means of copying
was available much work by hand was required in producing 20 four-part sets. This made it possible to show a
portion of the Photo-Drama in 80
different cities on any given day!
of the astounding features was the use of
time lapse photography, where viewers could watch as lilies opened in just a
few seconds before their eyes. The
presentation of the "Photo-Drama
of Creation' had been produced by the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
of Pennsylvania under the direction of Charles Taze Russell, the founder
of the Bible Student movement. The film presented
Russell's beliefs about God's plan from
the creation of the earth through to the fulfillment of the Bible prayer, “Thy Kingdom Come.”
The Photo-Drama
was mammoth in scale, lasting over 8 hours and designed to be watched in four 2 hour sessions over consecutive
days, what we might consider to be a mini docu-drama series.
began in 1912, and the presentation was introduced to
audiences in the United
in 1914. It is estimated that the cost of production then was around $300,000 (now $ 6,922,000) By the end of its first year of release around eight million people
in North America had seen it. In Britain ,
within 6 months of it first being shown, over
1.25 million people in 98 towns and cities had also seen the presentation.
At showings in London
there were overflow crowds at the Opera
House and at the Royal Albert Hall, plus many more saw it across Europe ,
and New Zealand ;
no mean feat in a world being torn apart by the Great War.
What of the man that had
pioneered its production? “Pastor” Charles Russell was no
stranger to people back in 1914. He had become well known as a bible preacher challenging religious beliefs of his day and saying almost 40 years in advance that
1914, would be a marked year in human history. When World War I broke out in
1914, “The World,” then a leading news‑paper in New York City , stated in its magazine
section: “The terrific war outbreak in Europe has fulfilled an extraordinary prophecy. ... ‘Look out for
1914! ’ has been the cry of the hundreds of travelling evangelists, who,
representing this strange creed [associated with Russell], have gone up and
down the country enunciating the doctrine that ‘the Kingdom of God is at hand.’”—“The World
Magazine,” August 30, 1914 .
Russell sermons had also appeared in over 4000 newspapers
around the world, including the Hucknall Dispatch. He was also known locally as
the preacher who had corresponded with
Aaron Riley, the first headmaster of Butler ’s
Hill school (see Aaron Riley, A Voice in
the Wilderness, HT-Times December 2012).
The Dispatch of January
28 1915
had an article explaining in part the reason for the production.
It stated: ‘The entertainment is part of
a world-wide campaign to arouse an apathetic race to things religious. The
instruction is non-sectarian. The endless story begins with the cosmic nebulae
of pre-solar eras and dwells upon the salient events of biblical history from
the Garden of Eden to Paradise restored. The progress of ancient and modern civilization
down to this year of grace A.D 1915 is traced, and by the light of prophecy the
glories ofg the future are pictured.
A lecture is given with
each exhibition by a wonderful talking machine accurately geared to accompany
the progress of the story on the screen. The apparatus sings and talks with
such aptness to the varying scenes and figures that one might fancy it a human
lecturer of unusual vocal gifts.
The teaching which the
Photo-drama is designed to disseminate is that the Bible account of creation as
well as its other records are not contradicted by modern science, but that in
fact science proves the truth of the book’.
many of the other presentations around
the world some may have come just out
of curiosity, others because it was free, but
doubtless many were impressed with what they
witnessed, but whether it had the desired affect to awaken spiritual
interest the record does not say.
is quite probable that the turbulent times in
which they lived soon eclipsed the memory of that event as they came to know
of the horrors of the western front and later for the world to be struck with
the even worse devastation of the “Spanish Influenza” which quickly followed
on the heels of the Great War.
However, some who heard the message that Russell
brought by means of the PhotoDrama of
Creation may have been given the hope of a brighter future.
Regardless of the effect that the drama may have
had, those who had the privilege of seeing the Photo-Drama of Creation witnessed the
dawn of a new age in mass entertainment, one which we today take for granted!
Dispatch January 28th
http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r 1 /lp-e/2001042?q
=photo+drama http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Photo-Drama_of_Creation
http://pastorrussell.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/ 1914a-significant-year-in-bible.html