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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Malcom in the Manna

Mike C who has around 38 copies of Daily Heavenly Manna at last counting, kindly found me the signature of Malcom Rutherford, the only son of J F Rutherford.

The date of the entry is November 10.

A closer look at the four signatures in this copy has Malcom's as the fourth.

We can try and enhance the signature to make it more readable as the ink has faded.

You can now see he has signed as M C Rutherford, Boonville, '92.

What we don't know is what year he signed the Manna, but he was an active Bible Student from the time his father and mother became Bible Students up to at least 1918 when he wrote a letter to the St Paul Enterprise.

If any new readers stumble across this and want more information on Malcom's history they should use the search facility on this blog to access earlier articles on him. Be warned that you need to spell his name as "Malcom" in the search box not "Malcolm."


Chris G. said...

Thank you Mike C for taking the time to look through these to assist. No small task.

jerome said...

Mike is getting me one or two other signatures that I want. So if there are any that posters here would also be interested in seeing then they can always ask. However, you would really need to have the exact date of birth for these people to make that remotely tenable and they would also have to be Bible Students between c.1907 and the early 1920s.