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Friday, June 12, 2020

C. B. Downing Letter - China Mission

Below is an undated letter written by Calista Downing to a Mrs. Foster. This is probably not the place for me to complain about deteriorating health, but as my eyes fail along with the rest of my body, I cannot read this. Can you transcribe it? [click on images to see them in their entirety.]


Stéphane said...

Here is a first incomplete attempt, I’ll try again later, it would be nice if someone could help fill the gaps :

Sheet 1 Front side :

Temple Hill
[?d]. 28th Sept.
Dear Mrs. Foster
My efforts to find
letters for you have been in vain
till this morning, I enclose
the letter & return it at once.
The morning after [??] left
Mr Bright, from Shanghai, came
with a letter of introduction
from Mr Holt. I “took him
in”, gave him the [??] I had
ready for the kilts, and had
your bed put in readiness
for them. They came Monday
morning. Miss Mabberly came
up and spent a night and
a day. Mr. Jones was here a
part of the time (he left yesterday)
Miss Andresen & Miss Kelsey [??]

Sheet 2 Front side :

Miss Beauford and Bella [?sen]
got off Monday morning. Mr Capel
and Mrs K on donkeys went on
ahead. He – Mr C – saw them safe
over the river[?] and today from
the mail messenger I heard they
were 40 li distant from Tungchow.
The day after you left a letter
came to you from the Customs. Mr
Jennings I think – marked
“immediate.” I wrote under
your name - “left yesterday” &
returned the letter. The [?ardw?]
have been up and reported the
races[?]. Mr. Hateh won[?] the ladies’ [[Mr. Hateh undelined]]
purse[?], as you have doubtless
learned from the papers. Mr & Mrs.
Forbes & Mrs. Whe[l?]lock called
Saturday. They did not care
to spend two days at the
race course, but I suppose the
Chefoo ladies sat through the
performance and thought they
were enjoying themselves hugely. [[hugely underlined]]

Sheet 1 Back side

Thursday morning – before breakfast –
A signal from the North has just gone up -
I will send your letter immediately[?] - Let me
know as soon as convenient how you got down
and how you are. I must tell you what one
of the sailors said of Mr. Foster – “He was the
most honest [?]o[?]master he ever knew !” –
Kind[ ]regards to Mr. F
Yrs[ ]with[ ]love
C. B. Downing

B. W. Schulz said...


Hugely helpful. Mr. Foster was a "paymaster" on an American steamship anchored in Shanghai when this letter was written.