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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Another postcard needing translation.

 Can you help?


German Girl said...

If no one is faster, I' ll do it on Monday with help from a friend.

German Girl said...

Here we go.

L(iebe) Thea! Soeben Freitag A(bend) deinen 1. Brief be-
kommen, der mich sehr freute, ich beantworte dir ihn
morgen, auch als letzten; ich sende dir diese Karte
nur als Sonntagsgruß, da du ja gerne Lebenszeichen
bekommst. Hier ist´s immer noch sehr kalt u(nd) regnerisch.
Heute Abend muß ich schon wieder ausgehen, was ich
gar nicht gern tue, der/dem feschen (Fanj/Fanny/) Franz (?) und der Katz
geht´s gut; Samstag und Sonntag bleibe ich daheim, da ich viel zu tun habe. Die ?????
du herzl(ich) grüss u(nd) küsse dein H(errn) Vater.

.... IX .....
Augustenstr. 23 / III / Mitte

German Girl said...


Dear Thea!
This Friday evening, I have just received your first letter which made me very happy, it will be the last one I´ll answer tomorrow; I´m sending you this card just as a Sunday greeting because I know that you like getting signs of life. Here, the weather is still very cold and rainy. This evening I´ll have to go out again which I don´t like at all, the posh Franz and the cat are well; Saturday and Sunday I´ll stay at home as I have a lot to do. The ....... you heartily (I can´t guess, sorry) and give greetings and kisses to your father.

(street and address)

B. W. Schulz said...

German Girl, Thanks for your help. Always appreciated. And thank your friend too.