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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Speakers at the 1919 Convention

  <>A photograph was taken of 46 Bible Students who were speakers at the 1919 Cedar Point Ohio convention. Some were directors of the Society and others were Pilgrims. This picture (below) was used in the Governing Body update number 8 for 2023 to show how many Bible Students were now choosing to be clean shaven. With grateful thanks to Bernhard, here is the photograph, then a key to the personnel in the photograph. Only a very few are unnamed.

     You may need to click on the image in some devices to see the photograph in full.

Key to personnel            

01                Salter, Walter Frederick

02                Robinson, Frederick Homer

03                Van Amburgh, William Edwin

04                Rutherford, Joseph Franklin

05                Wise, Charles Augustus

06                Sexton, Ernest David

07                Fisher, George Herbert

08                Woodworth, Clayton James Sr.

09                DeCecca, Giovanni

10                Baker, William Arthur

11                Hersee, William Matson

12                Boyd, (unknown)

13                Bowin, Martin Otto

14                Thorn, Walter John

15                Barker, Thomas E.

16                Robie, Rodney Lyman

17                Herr, Maurice L.

18                Thornton, T. H.

19                Sullivan, Ora Lee

20                Boyd, Benjamin H.

21                (unknown).

22                Graham, Alexander M.

23                Adam, Donald

24                Spring, W. H.

25                (unknown)

26                Rice, Vincent C.

27                Gillespie, John A.

28                Toole, Daniel

29                Pottie, P. D.

30                Barber, Richard Harvey

31                Zink, Louie F.

32                (unknown)

33                (unknown)

34                (unknown)

35                Pickering, W. H.

36                Kendall, George Samuel

37                Howlett, Matthew Arnold

38                Bauerlein, John Adam

39                Morton, H. Sydney

40                Edwardes, James Campbell

41                Coward, Evander Joel

42                (unknwn)

43                Riemer, Hugo Henry

44                Whelpton, Ernest

45                (unknown)

46                Eshleman, Jacob A.


ernesto spinak said...

One question please
I have been reading the blog for several months and now I discovered that there is another blog very similar.
I appreciate that you inform me if there are differences in approach, if they overlap or are complementary to each other, if it is enough to read only one or if I should read both.
We greatly appreciate your effort.

jerome said...

The two blogs are complementary and there is a lot of overlap. The blog on which this comment appears is a vehicle for research for the Separate Identity series of books. The Jerome blog is more a series of stand-alone articles on subjects the blog owner has an interest in. Jerome has been writing for the Truth History blog since around 2010, and he and Bruce contributed to other efforts before that. At one point there was a possibility of this blog being closed, so I decided to start my own blog to preserve online my own writings. As to which blog readers should read, that is entirely up to the individual. Bruce takes full responsibility for the contents of this blog, and I take full responsibility for the contents of mine. Although as noted above there is a lot of overlap, you will find some items unique to one or other of the blogs – more so on Bruce’s with its requests for research help.

latecomer said...

Thank you, Jerome, for sharing this valuable research.

Liam C said...

Wow, very cool. Would be great to put names to the faces that have not yet been identified. Thank you both for sharing.

Gerry Kaspin said...

Great picture and key. Thank you Bernhard