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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Update and an Interesting Video

 I've been mostly confined to my comfy chair. Sick and dizzy and feeling like the antique I am. So no writing the last week or so, but it doesn't matter much because my computer is sick, and I've been without it. Apparently, it will take about 200 US dollars to repair it completely, and I just do not have it right now. So, if you do not see many blog posts from me, you now know why.

Brother F. sent me this interesting video. Click on the title to see it at its best on youtube. Enjoy..

1 comment:

ernesto spinak said...

Thank you very much for the video
It is truly a historic gem.
I sent a copy of the link to my entire family (children, sister, in-laws and brothers in the congregation interested in these topics)
Be strong and keep sending material like this
from Uruguay