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Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Click on the youtube link to view it entire.



Poor_German_Collector said...

It is a thrilling story to read about Tischendorf´s discovery of this Codex. There is an interesting German book written by his son-in-law D. Ludwig Schneller "Tischendorf-Erinnerungen - Merkwürdige Geschichten einer verlorenen Handschrift". It is amazing how much efford Tischendorf spent on his trips to the Orient, how many ancient and contemporary languages he learned, what unique original documents he studied and analysed during his life time. Nobody has an idea how he managed to get father of eight children :-) Hope we may be able to listen to him one day.

Raymond S. said...

It certainly is amazing that such a manuscript actually survived and did not wind up in the fire pot. And to have a Tischendorf "New Testament" in one's library is certainly a privilege. Mine is by the London Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society 1869. Owned originally by Thomas W. Watts, 17 Delabecke St., and the town isn't legible to read. Good translation, but being of Russell Era, it is a treasure. The video, although short is informative. Mant thanks.