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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Good news and Bad news

The good news is that Separate Identity, vol 2 is still on track for a March 2020 release.

The Bad News is that it will cost about $40.00 USD. Despite my best efforts, I cannot find a way to reduce the cost. However, if I can enlist the help of a techie, this volume will have an ebook release too. It will cost less. I regret this, but I cannot change it.


As it stands now - still being edited and with a few additions - :

Two Introductory Essays and an Afterword that is chapter length.
Sixteen Chapters
602 pages
297,000 words
150 Photos and illustrations, many of which haven't seen the light of day in well over a century.
Fully footnoted so readers can follow our research path.


Introductory Essay – B. W. Schulz

Introductory Essay – R. M. de Vienne

Chapter One

Chapter Two
     Seeking Cohesion

Chapter Three
     Out of Babylon

Chapter Four
     Congregation Culture: 1880-1886

Chapter Five
     Organizing and Financing the Work

Chapter Six
     The Publishing Ministry

Chapter Seven
     Evangelical Voice

Chapter Eight
     The Church in Maria’s House

Chapter Nine
     New Workers in the Field

Chapter Ten
     Clergymen and Lay Preachers

Chapter Eleven
     Foreign Language Fields Within the United States

Chapter Twelve
     Food for Thinking Christians

Chapter Thirteen
     In All the Earth: The United Kingdom

Chapter Fourteen
     Joseph Moffitt: An Important Early Voice

Chapter Fifteen
     In All the Earth: Canada

Chapter Sixteen
     In all the Earth: China and Other Lands


     Doctrinal Evolution and Prophetic Failure

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Volunteer needed ...

I need a volunteer to transcribe some older letters, mostly by J. F. Rutherford. Many of the scans and images I have are not suitable to reproduce. But they are readable. If you volunteer, you must be able to work quickly. There are, at last count, 29 pages. The topics vary. Anyone?

As a side comment: These have no restrictions on circulation or sharing. Occasionally someone sends us material and asks us not to share it. This is not the case with these.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Not related to this project

I need scans of Watchtower letters from 1950-1980.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Oh ... the memories ....


If our readers do not find this blog interesting enough to prompt a comment, I cannot see adding additional content until there is something important. Contrary opinion does not matter now, does it? It's not your blog. Jerome and Roberto are free to add what they wish. I'm too busy to add material that is unread, unwanted or unappreciated. Please do not add your inane, repetitious comments on this issue. The remedy is for you to assume some responsibility and comment.

You are a guest in my house. Behave like one. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Original with an extra verse appeared in 1928 Song Book

I was there. Were you?


I've put out a call for things like this before with little success, but I'm repeating it anyway. I need opposition material, magazine articles, booklets, etc. published in the Russell era or just after. I located two on my own and purchased them as originals, but I'm just as happy with scans. There are a number of these in British libraries. I have no access. If you live in the UK, you could be of great help tracking them down.

I have an eye surgery coming up. Second in a series, and I hope the last. But I continue to work on vol 2. Those who are proof reading should be aware of the March target date.

Be aware that my wife's health is deteriorating. So If I am out of contact, that is why.

I am building a university's collection of Bible Student and Witness publications. If you live in the USA and wish to donate something, leave a comment below.


Bruce is alive and well and sharing atrocious jokes on twitter...

Monday, December 9, 2019

A letter to one's father

In July 1918 Malcolm Rutherford wrote a long letter to his father, Joseph F Rutherford, who was then incarcerated in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. The letter was published in full in the St Paul Enterprise paper for December 10, 1918.