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Friday, February 9, 2024

Translation Help, Please

 For another project. I cannot read this handwriting. Can you translate it to English. Your help is appreciated.


German Girl said...

Wolgart, den 18. Dezember 192 (last number not visible)
Liebe Emily u. (und) lieber Karl!
Möge vorseitige Kinder-
gestalt (obviously referring to a picture on the other side of the card) das Wahre sagen
und Euch im neuen Jahre
Erfüllung aller Eurer
Wünsche zu Eurem Besten
bringen. Unser Weihnachts.
brief ist hoffentlich recht-
zeitig an sein Ziel gekom-
men, wie ich auch von dieser
Karte erwarte, daß sie zu
Neujahr in Euren Händen
sein wird.
Nochmals prosit Neujahr
und herzlichen Gruß von
Eurem Onkel Friedrich
u. (und) Gretel.

Wolgart, December 18th 192 (?)
Dear Emily and dear Karl!
May the child´s figure on the reverse page tell the truth and bring you, in the new year, the fulfillment of all your wishes to your best. Hopefully our Christmas letter has reached its goal in time, just as I hope for this card to be in your hands at New Year´s Day. Once again, happy New Year („prosit“ is said drinking to s.o.) and a cordial greeting from your uncle Friedrich and Gretel.

Bruno said...

Good job.
I think that's correct.