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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Not Happy with the Book


The Jersey City News, October 29, 1898, Final Edition.

A. D. Jones' Yacht

 The New York Post of December 27, 1896, mentions Jones' "yacht." I believe but cannot prove with irrefutable certainty that this was instead a one-man skiff or similar. I need more information. Can you find it?

Saturday, June 8, 2024



  At its start, photo journalism was a costly business involving wood engravings to reproduce the layers of a photograph for printing.  But in the 1890s and early 1900s it became possible to produce pictures quite cheaply by the halftone process. This basically turned original photographs into a series of dots which could be printed. This was OK for a quick read of a newspaper, but not always so good for deciphering and restoring pictures all these years later.

     Previously line drawings had been the norm and this continued well into the early 20th century. They might have been taken from photographs or just done by the artist on the spot. An example of the latter is of Charles and Maria Russell facing each others at a court hearing in 1906, as reported in the Pittsburgh Press for April 26, 1906:


This article is about one typical line drawing from 1899. It is found in the St Louis Post-Dispatch. The issues for October 7 and 8, 1899, give a running  review on a three day Bible Student convention, held in the Tabernacle Church, 19th and Morgan Streets, St Louis, with an attendance estimated to top 300 people on the final day, the Sunday.

     One of the headings talked of “Pentecostal Scenes.”


     The Pentecostal movement with its “signs” of healings and glossolalia mushroomed at the end of the 19th century in America. As a side note here, one of its parent groups was The Christian and Missionary Alliance and this was where William H Conley nailed his colors to the mast after leaving association with Zion’s Watch Tower.

     But the heading “Pentecostal Scenes” did not describe a “Pentecostal” meeting. Rather it seems more to refer to large numbers getting baptised all at one time. In contrast to what might be seen elsewhere, the write-up specifically described the behavior of those who were there.

“The audience at no time allowed its enthusiasm to get the best of it and become frenzied or fanatical. It was happy, but reasonably so. There was no shouting. The “Believers” are a practical people and do not counternance going to extremes on any subject at any time. They counsel moderation and their meetings are always attended with order and deliberation.”

     We note here, and in the headline that the Bible Students were calling themselves “Believers” on this occasion.

     The write-up may be influenced by a press release, but appears quite independent. CTR’s baptism talk lasted two hours – as a reflection of the times it was noted there were both Jews and Negroes in the audience – and the review covered Bible Student belief on the millennium and organization, or rather lack of it.

     Anyhow, to finally get to the point of this article, the paper sent a staff artist to capture the scene. This is the result:


The curiosity is that it wasn’t just men, but both men and women in the picture. Why the artist chose these particular subjects is not known, but it gives an interesting flavor of the types of people you might just meet at a late 19th century Bible Student convention.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Latin Bible

 Yup, its off topic, but very interesting. Click title to view it entire on youtube.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

62 1/2 Columbia

 In 1883 Albert and Carrie Jones were living at 62 1/2 Columbia in Newark. This was an apartment in a four story boarding house. Can you find anything else about the Jones' life in Newark, New Jersey?

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Can you add to this?


The Jane Crossley Affair

             Jane Crossley was the widow of John W. Crossley, a well-known carpet manufacturer and merchant.[1] She entrusted twenty-seven thousand dollars to her brother, Henry B. Adams, a partner with Crossley in the carpet business. A New York Times article suggests that Mrs. Crossley knew she was speculating, but the prospect of riches seems to have blinded her to caution: “Mrs. Jane Crossley conceived a desire to speculate in order to increase her fortune” giving her brother ... $27,000 to invest for her in speculative stocks.”[2] An undated clipping from the New York Tribune says the money was transferred “at various times” which seems to suggest that initially the investments performed well.  In 1891 or 1892 Adams chose A. Delmont Jones as his broker and the Crossley fortune was invested in Staten Island Rapid Transit and St. Paul, Minnesota and Manitou Railroad bonds. Much more risky was an investment in oil stocks. Jones sold the oil stocks at “a great loss and sold the Manitou bonds without Mrs. Crossley’s knowledge.” Adam had taken an eight thousand dollar mortgage on Jones’ furniture to secure the investment, realizing six thousand dollars at its sale. Jane Crossley sued her brother to recover her money resulting in a “mixed up and complicated” case.[3]

            There is insufficient record to expand on Jones’ role. I suspect that he sold the railway bonds to cover some of his own debts. His debts were accumulating and fraudulent claims were unraveling. If so, he paid for that mistake by losing his very expensive furniture.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Lewis [Louis] William Frost


L. W. Frost [1844-1891] was a trustee of the Delmont Kaolin Company, one of A. D. Jones' schemes. He had a colorful history, running away from home to join the U. S. Navy during the Civil War. A. Lincoln helped him enter the Naval Academy at Annapolis. After the war he enrolled in Columbia University School of Law and became a prominent lawyer in New York City, usually practicing business law but sometimes acting as a defense attorney. 

A legal advertisement appearing in The New York Times, February 20, 1890, calling for a meeting of the shareholders. It was signed A. Delmont Jones and Louis W. Frost. I do NOT know how closely Frost was connected to Jones, and I cannot pursue this further? Can you?

I have a photo. No need to send one if you find it. 


Add to this Harry B. Adams, a NYC resident who invested with Jones. I need a clear identity and a basic  biography.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I've lost it.

 I had, and probably still have but misfiled, a newspaper article that told how A. D. Jones accumulated his wealth. I need it desperately and  can't find it online either, but I'm not focusing well - an effect of my current medication.

Can you find it?

FOUND IT: New York, New York, Press, December 27, 1896.

ALSO, in the Jones v. Jones divorce papers, W. H. Conley noted a meeting between Thomas Benton Riter, his partner in Riter and Conley, a Eugene F. Smith of New York and himself. There are several Eugene F. Smiths, or there appear to be. Can you help identify the E. F. Smith who was a business associate of Conley and Riter? Perhaps a broker or a lawyer?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Update and an Interesting Video

 I've been mostly confined to my comfy chair. Sick and dizzy and feeling like the antique I am. So no writing the last week or so, but it doesn't matter much because my computer is sick, and I've been without it. Apparently, it will take about 200 US dollars to repair it completely, and I just do not have it right now. So, if you do not see many blog posts from me, you now know why.

Brother F. sent me this interesting video. Click on the title to see it at its best on youtube. Enjoy..

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A. D. Jones Again

 I need a firm identity and basic biography for William Sultzer, a partner with Jones in the purchase of property in New York State about 1888-1889.

From a court transcript:

Confusion in an Obituary

 From The [Pittsburgh] Index, August 22, 1908.

WILLIAMS- Mrs . Birda Evaline Williams, aged 44 years, wife of Edward A. Williams and president of the Pittsburgh Sunshine Children's Home, died on Wednesday at the Homeopathic Hospital, following operation. Mrs. Williams was born at Bruceton, W. Va ., and was a daughter of Delmont and Martha Jones. She came to Pittsburgh with her parents when a child. 

December 27, 1880, she was married to Mr. Williams and since has resided in North Lang Avenue. She leaves her husband, one son, Sidney F.; a daughter, Mrs. W. E. Jones; one grandchild, two brothers, Delmont Jones, of Pittsburgh, and Albert Jones, of Cincinnati, and a sister, Mrs. Fielding Frasher, Washington, Pa.

Friday, May 10, 2024

J B Kepner of Waynoka


     The circumstances surrounding the death of Charles Taze Russell have attracted much comment over the years. This writer can remember one source that mixed weird conspiracy theories with the claim that his body was taken to a “quack embalmer.” Another account sometimes circulated is that CTR’s body was embalmed three times. The recent discovery of a document from an undertaker in Waynoka, Oklahoma, has prompted this article. We are grateful to a friend of this blog for making it available and it will be featured later in this piece. We will use the various accounts in the Watch Tower magazine and newspapers like the St Paul Enterprise to explain what actually happened at that time and why. The story is obviously a sad one for those holding CTR in high esteem, but ultimately is quite straightforward.

     CTR had been seriously ill when undertaking a series of visits to congregations in the far West and South West of America in the second half of October 1916. As his health deteriorated, he, along with traveling companion Menta Sturgeon, tried to get home to New York by train. He died on that return journey near Pampa, Texas, around 2 o’clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, October 31.

     As CTR’s traveling companion, Menta Sturgeon tried to deal with the immediate aftermath of the death but found he could not travel on the railroads out of State without the body being embalmed. He wanted to reach Kansas City, but had no alternative but to stop at Waynoka for a death certificate and a brief inquest. And here, as the below advertisement shows, Kepner was the only choice in town.

From the Woods County Enterprise, April 2, 1915.


Kepner was the only one in Waynoka who was licensed to perform the task. We note from his advertisement that he was involved in several other ventures under the one roof. In the Enterprise for November 14, 1916, a Mrs Norah Voyles Keith wrote that “there in the back of a furniture store was all that remained of our beloved Pastor.” This was very common. Undertakers only had full-time work in the larger cities.  Otherwise, many involved in furniture production simply branched out into making coffins. The only extra skill an undertaker needed to learn was embalming. Kepner perhaps had a head start because back in the 1880s he had also been involved in pharmaceuticals. From the Nemaha County Republican for October 9, 1884:


     Josiah Bushy Kepner (1852-1944) was the same age as Pastor Russell.  He had been in the undertaking business for nearly thirty years by the time he attended  CTR, first in Sabetha, Kansas, and then in Waynoka, Oklahoma. He had been mayor twice in Sabetha, and was well respected in Waynoka, where he was to serve as president of a local bank.

     His work was well spoken of in the St Paul Enterprise. From the Enterprise for November 21, 1916:


Kepner finally retired in 1929, but his second wife kept on the business at least until the 1940s. The advertisement below is from 1943.


It was eventually taken over by the Marshall Funeral Home (now in nearby Alva, Oklahoma) and it is from their inherited records that the copy of his bill to Menta Sturgeon was retrieved.


There are three charges. $5.00 for washing and dressing the body – the washing with disinfectant was normally done twice, both before and after the embalming process. Then there was $20 for the actual embalming, although Kepner doesn’t specify on the bill what fluid was used, and then $35 for the coffin for transportation on the railways.

     The process for embalming that Kepner would have used really came into its own during the American Civil War. Those who could afford it wanted their loved ones who died on the battlefield to be returned to them for a family funeral with – if possible – an open coffin or casket. The procedure was not just to preserve the body but to make it appear as loved ones would want to remember. There was a goulish trade of embalmers following armies around offering soldiers about to go into combat a pre-paid plan. At one point these outfits were banned because of the bad effect on morale. Then, as noted above, the railways objected to unembalmed bodies being transported for health reasons, so it became common practice. Finally there were laws in each State stipulating that the procedure was necessary if the body had to be transported over a certain distance or out of State. The custom really took off after Abraham Lincoln was embalmed. His body went on tour and over a million people saw him lying in State over a 20 day period before his funeral. If it was good enough for Abraham Lincoln then it was good enough for the general population - if they could afford it.

     The actual procedure involved using the circulatory system, discovered by William Harvey, to replace blood with a preservative solution. Originally this was arsenic based, but that wan’t too good for the living.  By Kepner’s day it was generally formaldehyde, and this is still the case today. The procedure took between 2 and 4 hours. CTR’s body was taken off the train around 7 pm on the Tuesday evening, and returned to the train at 3 am the following Wednesday morning.

     So this is the background as to why Menta Sturgeon could not just take CTR’s body back to New York. After the death, Sturgeon was forced to stop at the first place the embalming service could be provided.

     What about the thought that CTR may have been embalmed more than once, up to three times?

     When you think of bodies being embalmed multiple times you think of highly complicated procedures for figures like Lenin, but not for your average citizen.

     But from Waynoka, CTR’s coffin was loaded on and off trains and motor vehicles and in and out of various buildings – the Bethel home, the New York City Temple, Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh, etc. – and his remains were also transferred to a more substantial casket In New York for the funeral services.  It was no doubt necessary to make what the November 21, 1916 St Paul Enterprise simply called “such little touches as the long trip would call for.” These would simply be cosmetic, so that each time CTR lay in State, the mourners could see him as they remembered him, as best as was possible in the circumstances.

     Nearly a week after he passed away, mourners saw him for the last time, on Monday, November 6, at Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh. There exists a photograph taken of the platform and the Carnegie Hall audience on the day reproduced below.


You will notice a blur across the photograph in front of the platform. This was actually a queue of mourners filing past the open casket, which the long exposure can only show as a smudge across the picture.

     After this final service in Pittsburgh the body was taken for burial at dusk on the 6th at the Society’s own plot in United Cemeteries. The casket would be interred inside its packing case and the whole encased in concrete.


In the interests of being as complete and accurate as possible, I have now been made aware of where the account of three embalments comes from. It is from William Wisdom’s book Memoirs of Pastor Russell published in 1923. The book was reviewed – critically – in The Watch Tower for September 15, 1923. Wisdom states: “Through some more bungling the body was removed from the train at the first small town, where it was very improperly cared for in the way of embalming.”

There are no references given, and this account is in conflict with the contemporary accounts which praised Kepner’s work, but stated that – because of the length of the journey, some small adjustments were made (quote) “such little touches as the long trip would call for.” Kepner’s task was to preserve the body to meet the requirements of the law – extra touches might be applied to allow for extended viewing at several locations, but these would be cosmetic. An undertaker might use cosmetics and fillers to render a more lifelike appearance, but this was not a second or third embalming.

Kepner had been in practice for nearly thirty years and was well respected. His business survived him. And the basic procedure was straightforward and successful. As the above article covers, Abraham Lincoln was embalmed over 50 years before and lay in State at various locations for 20 days before the funeral. His coffin was opened several times after his death, the last time being in 1901 and the body was immediately recognisable – the hair, the wart on his right cheek, all still in place.

I stick to my original analysis.

1958 Convention

 This video is longer than most. To view it best, click on the video title and view it on youtube. Here it will cut off part of the video and you will miss a large amount on the right margin. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

As long as I'm ...

 Off topic, we may as well stay there for now.

1953 - Mitcham Stadium

Tuesday, May 7, 2024



1953 New York City International Convention

 Another outside the era we normally consider here. I'm a little dot in this photo. Were you here too?

Friday, May 3, 2024

District Assembly. Identify?

 A photo found on ebay. Judging by the cars, this is early in 1950s. Can you add to this?

Annie S. asked people who might know. And received an answer. This is the Santa Anita Race Track.

Small Regional Convention - Early 1930s

 Way past the era we research on this blog, but interesting. A note on the back says: "Jehovah's Witness Convention, Charles Parker Farm, Boy River, Minn[esota] 

Charles A. Parker was born about 1885 according to the 1920 Federal Census. He was married to Jennie L. Carlson, daughter of a French Canadian immigrant. In 1920 they had two children, a girl six and a boy 9. That's all I know. The photo is for sale on ebay for a very high amount. It is listed as "Original Undated Jehovahs Witnesses Convention RPPC Photo Postcard."

Friday, April 19, 2024

email problems

 If you use my AOL mail and have had your communication returned to you as undeliverable, please leave a comment here. That will help me resolve this problem

In other matters, I've been prescribed a very potent medicine that has left me non-functioning. So all my projects are in 'slow motion.' But I'm still forging ahead as I can. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Uncle Daniel's Bible Class Book


  The Edgars, brothers John and Morton, are well-known to collectors of Watch Tower history. They were responsible for the volumes of Great Pyramid Passages, as well as a series of small booklets that were widely circulated. One of them, Where are the Dead (not to be confused with the Watch Tower Society’s official publication of that name) was instrumental in Fred Franz becoming a Bible Student. He later served as a Watch Tower Society president.

     One book bearing the Edgars’ names that is available for internet download is called Uncle Daniels Bible Class Book, and dates from 1890.

     The book was published by Bone and Hulley, a company that later handled the pyramid books. A close up of the title page clearly shows the Edgars as authors.


And yet, this is not actually true.

     Research has shown that this book was originally published back in 1850. Then it was simply called The Bible Class Book. The author and compiler was Charles Baker.  Below is the title page of the second edition which dates from 1860.


The book covers the whole of the OT with articles, maps, and notes, using the Ussher chronology.

     Charles Baker (1803-1874) was a prolific author. His Wikipedia entry lists around seventy-five works on a variety of subjects, including the Bible. Although he wrote on the NT as well, there does not appear to be a companion volume to The Bible Class Book, which concentrates on the OT. One of his nephews became the Archbishop of Canterbury. His main focus in life was producing school textbooks for the teaching of children who were deaf and dumb.

     When he died The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent for May 30, 1874, gave a brief obituary:


Yet 20 years after the last publication of Baker’s work, the Edgar brothers claimed it as their own.

     How could this happen? Modern sensibilities might question the ethics of giving no acknowledgement to Baker, but it was all perfectly legal. The British Copyright Act of 1842 granted copyright to an author for his lifetime and then for seven years after his death. As noted above, Baker conveniently died in 1874, so by 1890 his work was in the public domain and the Edgars – or anyone else for that matter - could do what they liked with it.

     The British 1842 Copyright Act was eventually replaced by one of 1911, which extended copyright to a more realistic fifty years after an author’s death.

     Since the Edgars weren’t going to give Baker any credit, they took out his introduction, which he had revised for the second edition. In its place they inserted a Watch Tower advertisement.


This Watch Tower material only took up one page whereas Baker’s introduction in both editions took up two, so the Edgar volume simply has an extra blank page following the Watch Tower advertisement. One assumes this is so that the remainder of the plates would not need their pagination adjusted.

     We are on firmer ground with the Edgars’ pyramid volumes and the series of small booklets which were original and reflected the Bible Student theology of that time. But as far as “Uncle Daniel’s” work, all was not as it appeared. It may still be viewed as collectable, but perhaps not as much as might be hoped.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

"Photo Sheet"

 The following is for sale on ebay as "Photo Sheet WATCHTOWER C T RUSSELL UNIQUE RARE IBSA." I need a good scan of this, but in better condition. Can you help?

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Speakers at the 1919 Convention

  <>A photograph was taken of 46 Bible Students who were speakers at the 1919 Cedar Point Ohio convention. Some were directors of the Society and others were Pilgrims. This picture (below) was used in the Governing Body update number 8 for 2023 to show how many Bible Students were now choosing to be clean shaven. With grateful thanks to Bernhard, here is the photograph, then a key to the personnel in the photograph. Only a very few are unnamed.

     You may need to click on the image in some devices to see the photograph in full.

Key to personnel            

01                Salter, Walter Frederick

02                Robinson, Frederick Homer

03                Van Amburgh, William Edwin

04                Rutherford, Joseph Franklin

05                Wise, Charles Augustus

06                Sexton, Ernest David

07                Fisher, George Herbert

08                Woodworth, Clayton James Sr.

09                DeCecca, Giovanni

10                Baker, William Arthur

11                Hersee, William Matson

12                Boyd, (unknown)

13                Bowin, Martin Otto

14                Thorn, Walter John

15                Barker, Thomas E.

16                Robie, Rodney Lyman

17                Herr, Maurice L.

18                Thornton, T. H.

19                Sullivan, Ora Lee

20                Boyd, Benjamin H.

21                (unknown).

22                Graham, Alexander M.

23                Adam, Donald

24                Spring, W. H.

25                (unknown)

26                Rice, Vincent C.

27                Gillespie, John A.

28                Toole, Daniel

29                Pottie, P. D.

30                Barber, Richard Harvey

31                Zink, Louie F.

32                (unknown)

33                (unknown)

34                (unknown)

35                Pickering, W. H.

36                Kendall, George Samuel

37                Howlett, Matthew Arnold

38                Bauerlein, John Adam

39                Morton, H. Sydney

40                Edwardes, James Campbell

41                Coward, Evander Joel

42                (unknwn)

43                Riemer, Hugo Henry

44                Whelpton, Ernest

45                (unknown)

46                Eshleman, Jacob A.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Translation Help

 I cannot decipher the old script on this. Can you read the name?


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Watchtower Museums.


Just a reminder. Never presume the Society has something, and never think, "Why would they want that?" Always ask, either through your congregation secretary or directly to Watchtower Society, 1 Kings Drive, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A. D. Jones and the Knickerbocker Bank

 I need some help with this. I'm pressed for time, but I need a good, clear image of this banknote. It's signed by Jones, and I want to use it as an illustration on volume three. Likely places are the Smithsonian. They have a huge money collection. The American Numismatic Society might have it. The Library of Congress, perhaps. Any of the New York City and State historical societies. So, can you help?

Some browsers will require you to click the image to see it entire.