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Thursday, April 18, 2019


A sister S. Webb from Manitoba, Canada, is mentioned in the September 1890 Watch Tower. We need a clear identification. Anyone?


jerome said...

I believe she may be Mrs W J Webb. She mentions in her letter from Manitoba "our little boys." A later letter from W J Webb (Mr) from Manitoba has CTR praising him and sister Webb for taking their "two young boys" with them in colporteur work. Another letter gives the name of the eldest boy as Laurie.

This of course doesn't fit your biography of W J Webb being married to an Ellen or Ella with a daughter named Florence. Where did that information come from? I know when I tried to trace W J Webb on Ancestry there is more than one person in that era with that name and initials and I couldn't tie down anyone who matched the ZWT internal testimony.

B. W. Schulz said...

The 1891 Census returns take us to Mrs. Samuel Webb, first name Elizabeth. She and her husband had a flock of boys, most of them very young at the time of the 1890 Memorial. They named their youngest Bethel. They had one daughter. Her name is given as Eunice. Eunice was born in England and was ten years old. That dates more or less the year of immigration to Canada.

In 1890 they had Willis, Charles and David. All of them were very young. She was pregnant with Bethel who was 2 mos old at the time of the 1891 Census.