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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

We need ...

I need the first names and biographical details for W. J. Webb, a Watch Tower colporteur in the 1890s. He is mentioned in The Watch Tower. He lived in Manitoba, Canada. Can you help. 


William J. Webb, born January 1862 in England. Immigrated to Canada in 1889. Some slight evidence that he first arrived in the United States through the Philadelphia port of entry. His first religion was Methodist. Census records continue to show him as Methodist after his association with The Watch Tower. We have found other examples where Canadian census takers, unfamiliar with Watch Tower belief, enter Methodist.

His wife, two years younger than he, was named Ellen [Once spelled Ella]. He had a daughter named Florence.  Ellen was born in England.

The Bible Student Movement in the Days of C. T. Russell suggests that his middle initial may stand for Jeff. At this point I think that unlikely.

Can you add to this?

1 comment:

jerome said...

Checking all the references to W J Webb in ZWT, in 1892 he was married with two small children. Later his wife wrote a letter about one of their young sons, whose name was Laurie. Although they did colporteur work in Canada, their base from which some letters were sent appears to have been California.