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Sunday, January 26, 2020

A 'new' picture of Charles T Russell and his wife, Maria

Photographs of Maria Russell are hard to find. There is one undated and one from c. 1894 with her husband, Charles. Then there is a line drawing from a 1906 newspaper during a court hearing. From the Pittsburgh Press for April 26, 1906:

And – while you cannot recognise her – in one of the funeral pictures for CTR she is pictured wearing a long dark veil, according to the identification made in the St Paul Enterprise newspaper. There are two heavily veiled ladies in the photograph and the other is likely her sister Emma.

From the description by William Abbott in the funeral number of the St Paul Enterprise newspaper for November 14, 1916:

But returning to a recognisable picture of Maria, there is another example from what will already be a well known photograph. Most will be familiar with the group photograph of the first main Watch Tower Convention held in Chicago in 1893. It was reproduced in the Chicago City Temple brochure in 1914.

Most copies in circulation have low definition so are not easy to examine that closely. One usually looks at the bottom right hand corner where you can see Rose Ball and Ernest Henninges sitting next to each other on the grass, a couple of years before their marriage. But in the middle of the picture, as one would expect, is CTR. And next to him we must assume is Maria. Maria had a very high profile at this time, and would no doubt have gone to Chicago because that was where her brother, Lemuel, lived.

I am grateful to Bernhard who has superimposed our known photographs of CTR and Maria from this era, next to the selective enlargement from a better quality print than is normally seen.

First there is the portrait of CTR. Compared with another photograph from the same era, while he appears a little thinner in the face from this angle; it is obviously the same person.

Then there is the portrait of Maria, compared with the two known portraits of her mentioned above. There are some superimposed lines between the pictures to show the similarities in features.

From this evidence I believe we can safely assume that it really was Maria in the 1893 group photograph.

So here is the ‘new’ photograph again.

originally published on

Friday, January 24, 2020

1914 Convention

A convention souvenir from 1914. It's on ebay. It's interesting. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Research Need

I need contemporary clergy reactions to Millennial Dawn IV The Day of Vengeance, later entitled The Battle of Armageddon. Can you help?

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I need an exact date

... to the month and year for this tract

Monday, January 13, 2020

Need an exact date

Printed, I think, in the years shortly after Russell's death. Can you date this more exactly?

1901 Watch Tower

I need the following issues from 1901: April 15, July 15, August 1, October 15, December 1. I have scans, so the need isn't urgent. But if you have these as extras or just want to part with them, please contact me.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Son's Letter

The Bible Student’s unofficial newspaper The St Paul Enterprise published a letter from Malcom Rutherford to his father Joseph Franklin Rutherford in December 1918.

The letter shows a family closeness and a fondness for scripture and “the Divine Plan.” Malcom was obviously in association with the Bible Students because he had just recently been at a meeting where he heard “Brother Howlett” speak about the situation. The whole letter is somewhat guarded in tone, since his father was now in prison and the war hysteria that put him there was still rampant in American society.

A greater part of the letter details how a trip through the Mojave Desert (Death Valley) nearly ended in disaster. It is extremely detailed, showing Malcom to have a good command of the English language, but with a tendency common for the era of using two words where even one was superfluous. It is so detailed, blow by blow, that he either took detailed notes on the journey, or had an exceptional memory, or just used “creative license” for some of it.

It is interesting to note that the letter was dated July 21, 1918, only a month after JFR was sentenced to twenty years in jail. However, it was not published until nearly five months later, in the December 10, 1918, issue of the St Paul Enpterprise (see page 4). Whether Malcom’s father, JFR held it back, or whether that was down to the editor of the St Paul Enterprise, is not known. What IS known is that Malcolm married Pauline Short on March 28, 1918 in Los Angeles, and after writing this letter, and having previously requested exemption from the draft on the grounds of IBSA membership, he accepted conscription and joined the army on September 10, 1918.

For those who want to read more on Malcom’s history, see the series “The Ultimate Malcom Rutherford Experience” at


Voices of the People, or What our Readers Say

These are Our Readers’ Columns for the Fair, Free and Frank Expression of all Matters of Spiritual Interest.


Thrilling Experiences Depicted by a Son, and written to Cheer and Lighten Burdens of a Father.

Los Angeles, Cal., July 21, 1918.

My dear Father:

How strange it seems to be addressing you at present, and still in other ways it does not seem so much so, because we knew from statements in the Divine Plan and Word that “all these things must come to pass.” So we sorrow not as others, surely believing that all these experiences are working out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, and are among the “all things” that work together for good to those who love God, and who are called according to his purpose.

We have received all of your letters, from the beginning of the present situation to your departure from Washington, and wonderful letters they were, so full of the spirit of the Master and of submission to His will. Their spirit and your attitude toward the severe trials you were enduring and expected to endure were a real inspiration to us, and I can see how, even in the midst of present afflictions, you and the dear brethren are really happy. Because “greater is He that is on our part than all that can be against us,” and regardless of what our loyalty to the Divine Plan leads us into, we surely know that God’s laws are higher than man’s laws, even as the heavens are higher that the earth. And with a proper submission to both, we need not fear what man is able to do unto us, for our Lord has said, “Fear not him who is able to kill the body, but rather Him that is able to destroy both body and soul; yea, I say, fear (reverence) ye Him.”

During the trial various newspaper reports were received and opinions and conjectures were numerous, but we took no stock in anything that we did not get direct from you, and then, at last, we learned that there has been a short termination of the case and that the present situation would result. It must have been a remarkable witness to all – the spirit manifested by those on trial. Brother Howlett spoke here last Sunday night and told some of the experiences in the court room, the departure of the brethren after the sentence to the marshal’s office, of the meeting there of the families of those convicted, and the subsequent removal to prison. His remarks made a profound impression on all, and I know we were not theonly ones, because we have seen articles in Eastern papers commenting in like manner. He told about the jourmey to Washington and the kindly attitude manifested by the officers, and that it was the first time in historythat prisoners had been removed to Atlanta without being handcuffed, or the officers required to use their guns to force submission. It does seem peculiar that seven brethren were convicted, at noon on the longest day of the year, when the sun for a moment reached its zenith and waned. Then the dungeon experience, and the removal to Atlanta on a day when a national celebration was in progress. From the human standpoint all these incidents may seem ridiculous and absurd, but to us they mean a great deal, and surely indicate to our minds that prophecy is being fulfilled, and that when these experiences come about, then the time of our deliverance is nigh, and we can lift up our heads and rejoice. In reading some of the prophecies of Jeremiah, many of us are inclined to think that present conditions parallel his experiences, nad (sic) no doubt that book contains far more of the Plan that is apparent to the casual reader and observer.

Our experiences during the past weeks have been varied and numerous. In the swirl of events- new situations and old ones pending, the weeks have seemed moe like months, but in the midst of it all we have tried to be calm, fully submissive to the Divine Will and endeavoring at all times to seek His guidance, and so, we with others are going down the stream of time, realizing what a wonderful time it is in which to live and that subsequent to present stress, “A better day IS coming.” Present bitter experiences have surely straightened our faith, caused us to stand by one another all the more and to sympathize with one another more fully. Surely it is a time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and there is no longer any intermediate ground. The Scriptures tell us that brethren will hate one another and betray one another, and we have evidences of this too.

But in the midst of it all we have been happy, and have not neglected opportunities to take a little proper pleasure and recreation. On the 4th of July, Pauline and I, her mother and father, Marguerite and the little fellow, spent the day in Tujunga Canyon. We left about 9 o’clock in the morning, had a nice drive up the Arroyo, and after leaving the new concrete highway had only a few miles to get down into a mice prt of the canyon, where we parked the car and walked a short distance ahead and prepared to spend the day under the shade of the trees, by the mountain stream, and under the lee of the cliffs. Pauline and I went in wading, and later tried to walk up the road a piece. It was an amusing incident. Not being accustomed to going barefoot, the rocks hurt our feet something fierce, and the ground was so hot that we would run a short distance and then hurriedly sit down and hold them off the ground, or carry a bunch of small branches and stand on them. When the sun was beginning to dent the rock-rimmed skyline, we departed and arrived in Los Angeles in tie to go to Eastlake Park, take a look around, listen to the band, and then return to our place here and have a few firecrackers and inexpensive fireworks – reminders of actual childhood days that seem far back in the distance past.

Not knowing what had been removed from Soda, and being rather handicapped in sending others up to look at what I did not know for sure was there, we thought best for me to take a turn up at the first opportunity and make a new inventory. Last Monday night Pauline and I met Sam in town, got to talking about the matter, and he stated that he would take us up in his Ford for a very reasonable sum. There was a lull for a few days on account of waiting to hear about the stage line decision, so we decided to go in the morning, and at once hurried preparations to get together a few simple articles of food for the trip. Tuesday morning at 5:30 saw us starting. At San Bernardino we had breakfast, went up over the pass, stopped at Victorville for a drink, and went on to Barstow. Here we loaded up on gas and water, and with Sam at the wheel, started on our second half of the journey across that 125 miles of desolation. We found new road signs placed by the U.S. Geological Department, and these were a welcome contrast to the weather-beaten boards we found over a year ago. For hours we crawled along over the typical desert road, and sunset found us climbing the long slope from “Bean Soup” Lake (so named previously) to the fourth summit on the trip, and about twilight, we reached the junction point where one road goes north to Cave Springs, and the other goes directly to Silver Lake. The Silver Lake Road Sam referred to as being like a chute the chutes, or a roller coaster, on account of its rolling surface, and as the machine bounced over it intermittently up and down almost without a pause, we thought the sensation quite similar only it was pretty rough, and we had to hang on. At 8:30 we stopped for supper. Sam and I stretched out on the sand and used the running board of the car for a table. It was a wonderful night, a soaring half moon lighting the vast expanse of sand and sage brush, tinging the tips of the volcanic spurs, and a warm breeze was the only sound that broke the silence. We figured that we would reach the camp in about four hours from this point. When we started a half hour later, we all took a drink and Sam poured the remains of the water into the radiator. We had insisted on taking a 5-gallon can of water, but Sam thought otherwise, and we did not feel like bossing the job, since it was not our car. The machine rolled and plunged over the rough road for an hour or more, and then just beyond a sign, it took a sudden turn and a rapid descent began, into what appeared in the darkness to be a canyon. The hot blasts of air that soon struck us indicated that we were headed for a lower level, and worst of all, we could neither identify nor remember this road. Some distance down we stopped, turned around in the sand with considerable difficulty and managed to get back to the summit. Thinking we had taken the wrong road, that the right one should lead along the summit of the ridge. But back at the starting point we did find two faint tracks in the sand, and these only ran about 50 feet and turned back into the course we had already taken, so we knew we would have to retrace our steps. We did so, and a little farther on, all trace of a road disappeared and we found ourselves going over sage brush and rocks in a widening wash that led continually downward. When further progress seemed impossible, we stopped for the night. Pauline stayed in the machine, Sam slept on the ground a short distance away, and I laid down alongside the machine. It was a hot night and no cover was needed. Then dark clouds arose to blot out the radiant track of the moon, shadows deepened in the canyon, and soon only the stars appeared in the vast vault above, and through the sage brush a strong wind howled mournfully. Having slept little or none, Pauline and I were stirring before sunrise, and looking down the wash which seems to stretch away into the interminable distance, we were surprised to see a man approaching. It was Sam. Being concerned as to where we were, and in an endeavor to find a road, he had wandered down the wash during the night, and unable to find his way back to the machine, had laid down and slept where he was and retraced his course at daybreak. We were terribly thirsty, but there was no water, and very little in the radiator. In a further endeavor to get our bearings, we went down the wash, climbed one of the ragged cliffs and anxiously searched that vast, silent void of desert and mountain for landmarks. Conjectures as to the location of Silver Lake and Soda were numerous, and at last we practically admitted that we were lost. Then the sun rose and the temperature changed from a sultry heat to a fierce blast that increased every moment. Sam suggested to drain the water out of the radiator into the canteen and start over the range and try to find our destination. This idea was abandoned and we determined to make an effort to get back to the summit. So we packed up, took a mouthful of the dirty water out of the radiator, and then the machine began its climb up the wash to the summit, and over the rolling course back to the signs and the junction point previously mentioned. I am sure three people never watched as carefully as we did for any road that might lead off from the one we were retracing, but none appeared. At the junction point we held another parley. There was no water to drink, the machine had only enough to go a few miles farther, we had been on the only road pointing to Silver Lake and could not find it. The last resort was to go in search of Cave Springs, five miles north. Then the machine made another desperate effort to get through the sandy road, and two miles up on the Cave Springs road we came across the remains of an abandoned mine. Sam thought sure the direction was right for Silver Lake and had identified landmarks up to that point, but the mine threw us off, and there was no water in sight.

Two miles farther we came to the head of another canyon, and the road leading down to this, or rather what had been a road before it was washed out, was so rocky and steep that to descend it seemed almost impossible, and Sam stated that with the water in the radiator nearly gone, if we ever got down, we could never get out again. He suggested that we fill the canteen with what was left and try that direction for Silver Lake. But weakened from loss of sleep, no water, and in the terrible glare and heat, Pauline and I did not feel equal to it, and we knew that Silver Lake lay some miles distant, in some direction, provided we could ever find it. To retrace our steps to any known spring was over 30 miles. If we went down the canyon wth the machine and found no water, we could not get out, so I think at heart we felt we were up against it in every way, and in the midst of the awful desolation and silence, I am inclined to think some dark pictures arose in our minds. Something had to be done, and at last, resigned to our fate, whatever it might be, we started in the machine down that winding, dangerous road into a narrow, rock-ribbed canyon. A mile and a half, or more, down the canyon, at a turn in the road, some willow trees came into view, and as we approached some doves flew out. “That means there’s water near,” said Sam, and we hardly whether to grasp it as a hope or not, because we knew what it meant if we did not find the springs. A short distance ahead I jumped out and started on the run for what appeared to be a spring walled in. It was simply a shelter, but arund another turn a sign appeared, and before I reached it I noticed the direction it pointed, and very plainly the sign, “Cave Springs.” The silence of that barren, rocky cavern was rent with a volley of whoops and a concentrated rush in the direction of the sign; and there in a niche in the rocks was a nice cool spring. The surface was covered with bird feathers and bits of sage brush, but by brushing this aside we could get clean water, and it seemed comparatively pure. The surroundings were quite unusal. It was a little rock cavern, not over a hundred feet long, very irregular, and in an easterly direction we could look down a long slope into the southern end of Death Valley – a weird, glistening, blinding patch of sand and alkali, a thousand feet or more below, bordered on the eastern side by the hazy, purple tinged mountains of the Panamint Range. On the south side of the cavern we found numerous holes in the conglomerate rock, remains of stone houses, or rather small rooms that had doubtless sheltered prospectors in the long ago, and one little dug-out, resembling a prospect hole, afforded shade and rest even in the hottest part of the day. It was just about noon when we arrived, and the sun blazed and scorched like an oven, but in the shade of the rocks we rested, ate a good lunch, had plenty of water to drink, and without much comment realized that perhaps the finding of the water prevented a desert tragedy, because Silver Lake is far south of Death Valley, and had we not found the spring and gone in that direction, I would not care to imagine the consequences. We poured the contents of our 5-gallon can into the fuel tank and filled this with water. Our vacuum bottle which had contained buttermilk on the way out, was also filled to say nothing of ourselves, and when it came to stocking up there was no limitation. Feeling now that we were prepared for a siege, we bade farewell to our oasis and the terrible valley below and began that fierce climb out. With the motor racing on lowfgear the machine grabbed and plunged and fought its way to the top of the canyon over the rocks and shade that just about tore the tires to pieces. Then we went back to the junction point, and seeing nothing else to do, again went back over the road that we had retraced – the only one indicated by the signs as being the Silver Lake route. Every foot of it was watched carefully for a road leading south, which we were sure was the right direction. Then we gave up entirely and quit conjecturing, and with an outburst of laughter Sam and I admitted that we were sure “horned.” Here another situation presented itself. We had been over this road, down the canyon the night before – twice – had been to the place where the road disappeared entirely. What was the use of going back there again. And if we did go and could not find Silver Lake, we would not have enough gasoline to get back to Barstow. We went as far as we dared – to the summit of the canyon, and here Sam and I climbed out to one of the nearby rocky points in a final attempt to get our bearings. And there, far ahead and below, beyond where we had stopped, stretching away across the sand waste like a tiny yellow thread, a road appeared, topped the distant sand dune, turned south, and beyond that and between two mountains, we made out what we determined to be Silver Lake. Still another range remained to be crossed.

Back at the machine a further discussion was held. Out in that land of mirages and treacherous canyons, we might be off. If we went down there and did not find our town, we would not get back on account of gasoline, and there was a grave danger of the tires giving out at any time, and if they did, it was simply impossible to go over the rough passages on the rim. But we finally agreed to it, and for the fifth time went over that stretch leading down into the wash, and there, not over 20 feet from where we had stopped during the night, we found a faint trace of a road. Quite a bit of it had been wiped out entirely, and this had thrown us off. This new course led down to the wash and finally into the long stretch across the valley, and holding on with both hands and our breath for fear the tires would let go any minute, we went after it. An hour and a half later we circled the rim of the sand dune and dropped down into Silver Lake, got a drink of soda, some food, and just at dark pulled into camp. It was a hot night. Sam and I went in the pool in an endeavor to cool off. We slept on cots out on the screen porch, where the hot wind nearly blew us to pieces. In the morning we made the rounds, looked over the place, posted signs, inspected the wagon, took a last look and at 2 o’clock started on the homeward trip.

At Silver Lake we again stocked on eats, gasolone and water, and the next big proposition was to get across that valley and up the wash without the tires failing. Out of the Silver Lake the sand was so deep that not even the bloomin’ Ford would pull it, and Pauline and I had to push the outfit. But we got back – to the summit, the roller coaster country too, and at dark reached our calculated destination – Garlick Springs, where we camped for the night. Here, on the road, is a nice spring, a little corral, a watering trough, and a little shack that is visited occasionally by its owner. We had a little campfire, fried some bacon and had a simple meal. And then we lay with our faces to the sky, with its myriads of bright stars and the soaring moon; there in the heart of the desert where the grim mountains watched like silent specters and the cool night breeze swept down to lull us to sleep. There in the midst of the elements that God made and glorified, far from the haunts of human institutions, selfishness and strife, what a contrast it seemed, and I know that little experience led us all to a greater appreciation of one another and particularly the One whose power hath for so long blessed us and who surely led us on, over the desolate places where death lurked, and where dangers lured. Somehow it reminded me of the journey of life – the desert experiences as well as the bright spots along the way, and of the power ever near, supreme yet silent as the elements, watching, guiding, keeping guard over us. It brought to mind the beautiful words of the Psalmist: “O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off. Thou compasseth my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, surely the darkness shall cover me, even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike unto thee.”

The following morning we arose, rather glad to stir ourselves because the last hours were rather cold, and packed our stuff again for the last lap of the journey. Without a mishap we reached Barstow, then on to Victorville, down the pass, and at 7:30 arrived at Los Angeles. Thus ended the most interesting, rough and dangerous trip we have ever taken. The few photographs I am enclosing may be of interest to you.

Mother states she hopes to be in Atlanta soon, and that she will be permitted to see you occasionally. I wish this might be my privilege also, but for the present this seems impossible. Perhaps in the course of events and the outworking of Divine Providence we may see each other face to face, but even if this is not possible, then we are resigned to whatever the situation may be, knowing that a greater purpose is being accomplished.

“Lord, tho hast been our dwelling place in all generation. Before the mountains were brought forth, or even thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom, and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Peace I leave with you, my peace give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty and dominion and power, both now and forever.”

With a special prayer for your comfort, blessing and guidance, and a like expression of love and sympathy for all of the dear brethren with you in bonds, I am, as ever,

Your most devoted son,


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Letter to a member of the Barbour/Barber family

Not relevant to the history we pursue, but interesting nevertheless.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Read this ...

This post requires NO comments, but it does require your attention.

A Polish web site describes me as a “liberal JW.” I’m uncertain what is meant. If the writer suggests that I have a liberal view of the Bible, they are incorrect. If they mean that I have a lax view of moral obligations, that too is incorrect. If they mean that I have a loosely held view of congregation structure; that is wrong-headed. I am, in fact, socially conservative, a Bible believer. I believe that all the rights and obligations God grants apply to everyone. In the United States the appellation “liberal elder” or “liberal Witness” attaches to a type of apostate. Are you calling me an apostate? On what basis?

A private email suggested that I was angry at the Watchtower Society. The basis is a footnote in my current work. Perhaps the person who wrote that email is a mind reader, but I doubt the possibility.

Related to the above, but from another, is the suggestion that I should not repeat something previously said in volume two’s footnotes. This ignores the nature of volume two which is a series of essays presented in rough chronological order. My experience with that type of writing is that it may not be read in chapter order. So I have repeated key footnotes. I will not change that. If one of them reflects on your beliefs, it says no more that what is true.

The Separate Identity series occasionally challenges Russell mythology. Some who read them, some who visit this blog, are committed to the various mythologies, both pro and anti Russell. I am not. I am committed to telling you an accurate, clearly stated account. If you want to challenge the narrative as I present it, give me your sources. I will accept only original sources. Secondary sources, especially one written by a polemicist, are of no value.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Can you help?

I received this email today. I have passed on the very little I know. Can you help?

Dear brother,

I am ****, Jehovah’s Witness from France.

I visited the French Branch this week, and had the opportunity to visit the archives department.
Back home, making some online researches, I found your blog.

Thanks for these precious documents and facts!

Are you located in France?

Do you have items related to the Watchtower history in France?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Asking for the impossible

Many of the resources needed for my research have been scanned by someone or republished. Some have not. I need to purchase three years of a magazine not scanned by anyone. Unfortunately, the person who has them wants 300 US dollars. I do not have that, or anything close to it. If you want to donate to this purchase, please use paypal. The owner has given me two days to complete the purchase.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Good news and Bad news

The good news is that Separate Identity, vol 2 is still on track for a March 2020 release.

The Bad News is that it will cost about $40.00 USD. Despite my best efforts, I cannot find a way to reduce the cost. However, if I can enlist the help of a techie, this volume will have an ebook release too. It will cost less. I regret this, but I cannot change it.


As it stands now - still being edited and with a few additions - :

Two Introductory Essays and an Afterword that is chapter length.
Sixteen Chapters
602 pages
297,000 words
150 Photos and illustrations, many of which haven't seen the light of day in well over a century.
Fully footnoted so readers can follow our research path.


Introductory Essay – B. W. Schulz

Introductory Essay – R. M. de Vienne

Chapter One

Chapter Two
     Seeking Cohesion

Chapter Three
     Out of Babylon

Chapter Four
     Congregation Culture: 1880-1886

Chapter Five
     Organizing and Financing the Work

Chapter Six
     The Publishing Ministry

Chapter Seven
     Evangelical Voice

Chapter Eight
     The Church in Maria’s House

Chapter Nine
     New Workers in the Field

Chapter Ten
     Clergymen and Lay Preachers

Chapter Eleven
     Foreign Language Fields Within the United States

Chapter Twelve
     Food for Thinking Christians

Chapter Thirteen
     In All the Earth: The United Kingdom

Chapter Fourteen
     Joseph Moffitt: An Important Early Voice

Chapter Fifteen
     In All the Earth: Canada

Chapter Sixteen
     In all the Earth: China and Other Lands


     Doctrinal Evolution and Prophetic Failure

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Volunteer needed ...

I need a volunteer to transcribe some older letters, mostly by J. F. Rutherford. Many of the scans and images I have are not suitable to reproduce. But they are readable. If you volunteer, you must be able to work quickly. There are, at last count, 29 pages. The topics vary. Anyone?

As a side comment: These have no restrictions on circulation or sharing. Occasionally someone sends us material and asks us not to share it. This is not the case with these.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Not related to this project

I need scans of Watchtower letters from 1950-1980.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Oh ... the memories ....


If our readers do not find this blog interesting enough to prompt a comment, I cannot see adding additional content until there is something important. Contrary opinion does not matter now, does it? It's not your blog. Jerome and Roberto are free to add what they wish. I'm too busy to add material that is unread, unwanted or unappreciated. Please do not add your inane, repetitious comments on this issue. The remedy is for you to assume some responsibility and comment.

You are a guest in my house. Behave like one. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Original with an extra verse appeared in 1928 Song Book

I was there. Were you?


I've put out a call for things like this before with little success, but I'm repeating it anyway. I need opposition material, magazine articles, booklets, etc. published in the Russell era or just after. I located two on my own and purchased them as originals, but I'm just as happy with scans. There are a number of these in British libraries. I have no access. If you live in the UK, you could be of great help tracking them down.

I have an eye surgery coming up. Second in a series, and I hope the last. But I continue to work on vol 2. Those who are proof reading should be aware of the March target date.

Be aware that my wife's health is deteriorating. So If I am out of contact, that is why.

I am building a university's collection of Bible Student and Witness publications. If you live in the USA and wish to donate something, leave a comment below.


Bruce is alive and well and sharing atrocious jokes on twitter...

Monday, December 9, 2019

A letter to one's father

In July 1918 Malcolm Rutherford wrote a long letter to his father, Joseph F Rutherford, who was then incarcerated in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. The letter was published in full in the St Paul Enterprise paper for December 10, 1918.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Photodrama films


Those who love the Photodrama of Creation will recognize these frames from the end of the sequence on the flood, with the tinted sequence of the ark that ends with the rainbow appearing.

After the footage was meticulously copied frame by frame, the key nitrate stock in private hands was donated to the George Eastman museum as they have the professional facilities for its preservation.

Also the following document has come to light from the time which details the order and contents of all the slides and moving pictures from the production.

Interestingly it is dated November 17, 1914, and stresses that this revised schedule should be followed “implicitly.” Although the Photodrama started life as a three parter for a very short time, it had been shown in four parts for most of 1914. The extra part was not so much adding extra material as making each performance of a more manageable length for audiences of the day. But one wonders what changes were deemed necessary by November of that year.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


I'll be away from my blog until Tuesday, December 3, 2019. If you email me, expect a delay before I can answer.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Some you win... Some you - don't...

This is a brief tale of a search that in some ways led to disappointment. Being based in the UK I was asked if I could find the last resting place of the Edgar family. As well as their speciality of pyramidology three of the Edgars, John, Morton and Minna (two brothers and a sister) also wrote a series of little booklets. One of them by John “Where Are The Dead?” was instrumental in attracting the interest of a young man named Fred Franz before the First World War.

We knew from printed accounts that they were buried in a family plot in the Eastwood Cemetery, Glasgow. There are two cemeteries of this name, an Old and a New, but the date of the first interment identified the site as being in the Old.

Were there memorial headstones? Would there even be a pyramid? That is not as fanciful as it sounds. Here is the grave for Piazzi Smyth.

And here from a Bible Student publication is a grave marker in Yeovil, Somerset, for a Bible Student, William Hallett, who died in 1921.

The cemetery records in Glasgow had not been transcribed, let alone posted on the internet. But I was able to make contact with a Family History Society in Glasgow and a member very kindly did a search for me. Almost immediately the burial registers for the family were found.

John bought three adjoining plots and later a fourth was added, totalling plots numbered A-950-953. Sixteen members of the extended family were eventually buried here. The last interment was in 1968. Any modern generations of the family, if they still exist, obviously moved elsewhere.

The next step was a visit to the area and again a willing volunteer from the area visited the site and took the following photograph. The graves numbered A-950-953 are both sides of the tree in the foreground. One wonders what size the tree was when these plots were sold originally.

There are a few memorials standing, which at least enable one to fix the correct site, but alas, none for the Edgar family. In UK cemeteries vandalism and sheep with itchy bottoms have eliminated a lot of memorials, but it would appear from the photographs that the Edgars never did have a lasting memorial installed.

Realistically, had there been anything like a pyramid there, it would have been found and publicised long before now.

So this is a non-story really. But you never know until you follow everything up what may or may not be discovered.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

If I remember right ...

This first appeared in the 1948 song book.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Catholic Opposition

I need examples of Catholic opposition to Russell 1916 and before. Anyone?

This statement from Keith appeared in November 1882

I will appreciate thoughtful comments on this.

A Townman’s Teaching.

            Editor Advertiser: In complying with a request for a synopsis of what I am teaching, I shall necessarily have to be so brief as to only give some of the principal features; and take the risk of being misunderstood and misrepresented, though not more so than at present, perhaps. But I will say first that I do not believe that this earth will be purified by a literal fire, and all but an insignificant portion of the people destroyed.
            I do believe that the God is dealing with the race according to a prearranged system, called the purpose or plan of the ages – Eph. 3:11; Heb. 1:2, 11:3. Rev. Ver. N. Y. margin, and that there are yet ages to come, during which God will show to the world the riches of his favor, in kindness toward us, in raising us up to sit with or reign with Christ – Eph. 2:6, 7.
            I believe, in common with thousands of others, that there are many indubitable evidences that we are now in the ending of the gospel age, and that the period of transition or lap of something over thirty years, will be marked by great revolutions, political, social and religious.
            In other words, it is the “day of the Lord” so often referred to in both old and new testaments, and in such a way that many have thought and still think there would be a great conflagration – 2 Pet. 3:10.
            The length of the past ages, and this transition period, is shown by the chronology and time measurements found in the bible. The frequent misapplication of those measurements, which have caused many to look for a burning time, does not prove that there may not be a right application, in harmony with God’s great application, in harmony with God’s great system of the ages. The fact that they are in the bible is a sufficient argument for their importance, and that the wise would understand them in due time. One of the intensely interesting features of the time, is the Jewish question, which is already attracting the attention of the civilized world, and, because of being the fulfillment of so large an amount of prophecy, and at the exact time given, it will be a powerful argument against the increasing infidelity of our day.
            Many who now scoff, will see the importance of the subject in a few years.
            I believe that the position taken by three general classes of religionists are based on scriptures, and, though contradictory, as advocated, will be seen to be beautifully harmonious in time; and it is being shown even now. Many are learning every year. I refer to Calvinism or election; arminianism or “free grace” and universalism. While based on scripture, the advocates of each line of thought must be more or less wrong in their conclusions, because of not seeing the force of the other two, and not rightly applying. The three classes of scripture can not be true in one age.
            God’s promise and oath in regard to the development of a Seed, and the work to be done by the Seed, after development, must be the basis of right application, and consequent harmony.
            The promise first appears as a threat to the serpent, to bruise his head – Gen. 3:15; it was ratified with Abraham oath, saying: In thy Seed shall all the nations be blesses – Gen. 22:15, 18.
            Paul says that Seed is Christ and those who are Christs chosen in the gospel age – Gal. 3:16, 29.
            The elect are represented as the body of Christ, and called Christ – Rom. 12:4, 5;  1 Cor. 12:12; and they are called the children of promise – Gal. 4:28, 6, 7, 9.
            God has been electing a few, not to torment nor annihilate the many; but because he will ultimately justify the nations through faith – Gal. 3:8, Acts 15:14, In his wisdom he permitted evil for man’s development, and he will bring good out of it – 1 Cor. 1:21.
            The Seed, then, means the “head and body” united, glorified together, as the Christ of Scripture; and God has chosen this Seed as the mediator between God and men – the nations – to give them the truth in due time – 1 Tim. 2:4, 6; and to reconcile the world to himself – 2 Cor. 5:19.
            God has sworn by himself that every knee should bow, and every tongue confess – Is. 45:20, 23. Paul says every knee and tongue means: those in heaven – angels; those on earth and under the earth; under ground ones, and they will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father – Phil 2:10, 11. This work of the Seed belongs to the times of restitution or ages to come – Acts 3:19.
            I have tried to state as briefly as possible, some of the principal lines of thought which I am teaching; and have given a few of the many passages of scripture which support them. All who will try to understand them, will see that election, as taught in the Bible, is true and beautiful; God’s favor is free; and in due time will be manifested to all his creatures.

B. W. Keith

Monday, November 18, 2019

Becoming more urgent

There are many anti-Russell tracts and booklets in British libraries to which I have no access. My research will benefit from copies. Can you help?

G. Andrae

I need what biographical information there is on a G. Andrae, a physician living in Steglitz, a Borough of Berlin in the 1920s.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Contact Card


The above contact card was for Mrs M A Boder. Mary Ann Dunbar (1860-1948) was from Scots-Irish background and married William F Boder in Allegheny in 1889. They had one son, William Dunbar Boder (1891-1980).

Mary is mentioned once in ZWT in the issue for August 15, 1908.  She signed a document giving support to “the vow” as part of the Avalon class (Avalon, Allegheny, Penn.)  The document was also signed by W D Boder. This was not her husband but her son who would be about 17 years old at the time.

Mary remained with the IBSA and her funeral announcement in 1948 mentioned Jehovah’s Witnesses. From the Pittsburgh-Sun Telegraph, March 7,1948, page 33.

I do not know her son’s subsequent religious history other than that he claimed exemption on his WW1 Draft card on the grounds of being a member of the International Bible Students. From a document dated June 5, 1917.

The Daily Pittsburgh Gazette, December 31, 1855